Thank you for your advice, it is a steep curve indeed (git, make, finding your way in the code). I'm now testing whether my translations haven't done any harm te the code itself by making the lot and I hope to commit some more translations sometime tommorrow. I intend to finish the one dirctory (sc/source/ui/view) and then I hope to find an easy hack in C++ (but all at a leisurely pace...).
Winfried -----Original Message----- From: Michael Meeks [] Sent: maandag 14 november 2011 13:24 To: Winfried Donkers Cc: Subject: Re: [Libreoffice] git howto question Hi Winfried, On Mon, 2011-11-14 at 11:54 +0100, Winfried Donkers wrote: > How do I update my local sources to the current (latest) master with > git? Ah - it is a trick indeed :-) As Christina says - if you have commited you can 'git pull -r' which will re-base your commit on top of the latest code it fetches. Unfortunately, if someone tweaked your commit as they pushed it - that is a tad problematic since you may get conflicts that are hard to resolve. I'd personally recommend: git stash git pull -r git stash pop Then any conflicts you'll end up with (hopefully) are minimal, can be easliy seen with 'git diff' and will not require much further intervention ;-) > Is 'git checkout' the proper way (run from the directory where .git > is)? So - checkout is fine; but if you are sure you have your changes safely stored as a diff somewhere - then what you can do is to re-wind your checkout (HEAD) back, and then re-base that; so ... git tag -f here # just in case - so you can get back git stash # in case of any un-committed local changes git reset --hard HEAD~100 # move 100 commits back in time git pull -r # pull & re-base master from this point the last command will re-insert any of those 100 commits that were not your local edited copies, and of course all the latest changes it has pulled from master too. > I have some more german-english translations for sc/source/ui/view, > but I want to make sure that I use the latest source files before I > commit my lines. Great :-) so - it seems unlikely that the code there will have changed that much, but it's always good to check. Don't worry: git has a steep learning curve - steep enough that I still have a vivid memory of climbing it ;-) when you get to the top you'll think[1] it was worth it though. Looking forward to your patch & thanks for helping out with the comment translation, Much appreciated, Michael. [1] - hard to tell if it really was of course, but you think so ;-) -- <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot _______________________________________________ LibreOffice mailing list