This function is also used in _osl_getFullQualifiedDomainName, I check if
the result of this function is correct, I'm checking the result of this

2011/11/13 Noel Grandin <>

> OpenGrok says that:
> GetDomainName is only used by
>  GetYPDomainName
> in the same file
> which in turn is only used by
>  const rtl::OUString& SubstitutePathVariables_Impl::GetYPDomainName()
> in
>  /core/framework/source/services/substitutepathvars.cxx
> which in turn is only used by
>  bool SubstitutePathVariables_Impl::FilterRuleSet( const
> SubstituteRuleVector& aRuleSet, SubstituteRule& aActiveRule )
> in the same file.
> and that particular codepath in that method is only referenced when the
>  enum EnvironmentType {
> constant is used.
> which in turn is not used anywhere in the LO codebase.
> On Sun, Nov 13, 2011 at 12:06, Tor Lillqvist <> wrote:
> > Seems that the original code was also broken of course, forking and
> > execing /bin/domainname is indeed a bit stupid, and the domainname
> > command is also specified (to the extent it is "specified" at all) to
> > return the NIS domain name.
> >
> > But honestly, how many of the LibreOffice installations on Unix even
> > have the NIS domain name set? At least in my openSUSE 11.4 with fairly
> > default settings, the domainname command prints nothing. Neither does
> > it in my Mac OS X 10.7.2.
> >
> > I guess the sane thing to do here is to 1) unravel the stack of static
> > functions in sal/osl/unx/socket.c and find out what public functions
> > they actually are used in; 2) if possible drop code that is not
> > needed; 3) and finally ponder what will break, if anything, if we just
> > don't bother with the NIS domain name. 4) If really necessary, then do
> > it right, as Lionel said:
> >
> >> The portable and strictly correct way seems to be to do a
> >> DNS query on the result of gethostname() (gethostbyname or getaddrinfo
> >> with AI_CANONNAME).
> >
> > But in general we should avoid potentially pointless DNS calls. Let's
> > not risk having to wait for DNS timeouts in badly configured
> > situations. I think there has been bug reports of OOo and/or LO being
> > very slow to start in some cases, where the root cause has been some
> > DNS call timing out?
> >
> > LibreOffice is an "office suite", not some Internet service software,
> > why would it need to know the exact canonical official hostname of the
> > machine it is running on (or some other machine)? Especially as many
> > "home" end-user machines certainly don't have any public official DNS
> > name anyway, at least not one the machine itself would know, but some
> >
> >
> > --tml
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