does away with the need for specially crafted *.inbuild.component files.
It replaces the $BRAND_BASE_DIR/program[/classes] paths in the
component files with ones based on new bootstrap varialbes LO_LIB_DIR
(i.e., $BRAND_BASE_DIR/program) and LO_JAVA_DIR (i.e.,
$BRAND_BASE_DIR/program/classes) set in the fundamental ini. In-build
uses simply need to set those variables now (uses in CppunitTest.mk etc.
already modified accordingly).
I tested this on a clean build only, non-clean builds may stumble over
stale component files (when doing unit checks etc.). If that is the case,
find */${INPATH?}/ -name \*.component -exec rm {} \;
should clean up enough (and not be too expensive).
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