
On Wednesday, 2011-11-09 15:15:33 -0500, Kohei Yoshida wrote:
> > Isn't "Should the contents of all cells be concatenated and moved into
> > the merged cell?" better ?
> I like the following better:
> Do you want to merge the contents of the selected cells into one cell?
> Clicking 'No' will only retain the content of the upper-left cell.

I agree with the wording of the question, but "will only retain" to me
sounds as if the content of other cells would be lost, which isn't the
case, it's just not displayed and hidden in the merged cells. We also
should avoid terms like upper-left, as in a right-to-left environment it
would be the top right cell instead.


LibreOffice Calc developer. Number formatter stricken i18n transpositionizer.
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