* Present:
        + Stephan, David, Eike, Andras, Norbert, Rainer, Caolan,
          Cedric, Petr, Fridrich, Kohei, Kendy, Michael

* Completed Action Items
        + review Noel's OLE automation fix for 3.4.4 (Petr)
        + package Liberation fonts on Win32 (Fridrich)

* Pending Action Items
        + default to TM safe (non-TDF) branding (Thorsten)
        + enable on-line updates for QA in cross-compiled dailies [in progress] 
        + come up with a list of QA heros for next meeting [in progress] 
        + rotate top #10 easy-hacks on front-page (Bjoern)
        + ask wrt. hacking php to improve easy-hacks presentation (Bjoern)

* Release Engineering
        + diversifying build work
AA:             + think about Linux build / up-load work (Caolan)
AA:             + extract 64bit build machine from firewall (Kendy)
                + Norbert volunteered for OS/X, Thorsten as a deputy
AA:             + ask Christian wrt. Mac / PPC (Fridrich)
                + co-ordination on IRC + ML's
                + need fallbacks for everyone.
        + 3.3.5
                + will not come - no significant fixes to justify
AA:             + update wiki to mark it as skipped (Petr)
        + 3.4.4 update (Petr)
                + RC2 build up-loading now, for announce soon
        + sudden rush of 3.4.x fixes & impact on schedule
                + lots of people nominating most annoying bugs
                + lots of patches merged to 3.4 around deadline
                + post conference back-porting flurry (Kohei)
AA:             + on hold / proposal for closer 3.4.5 (?) next time (Petr)
        + 3.4.5 on schedule
                + freeze in 1 month

* Security list (Michael)
        + set it up at freedesktop: populate with all our list members
        + add Dennis as the intermediate moderator etc.

* QA update (Rainer)
        + problems with UI translations for Farsi / Arabian
AA:             + chase it down cf. bug#42388 (Andras)
        + bugzilla performance issues
                + error/search problems - post update
                + bug #41983# is tracking it
        + mingw build testing
                + three curious problems, expected fixed
                + kendy tracking down odd regressions
AA:             + point kendy at original bug numbers, and add
                  to MingW most annoying bugs (Rainer)

* Most annoying bug review (Rainer) ...

* Hiding string helpers in random places (Michael)
        + previously avoided adding potential problems for later
          trading convenience for indefinite maintainability
        + with flag day coming - can change the tradeoff & expand
          the UNO ABI more rapidly
                + ergo moving selected comphelper bits into sal/

* Windows build breakage / spamming (Caolan)
AA:     + connect to Fridrich's machine & fix build failure (Michael)

michael.me...@suse.com  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

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