sysui/desktop/appstream-appdata/libreoffice-base.appdata.xml    |   61 
 sysui/desktop/appstream-appdata/libreoffice-calc.appdata.xml    |   54 ++++----
 sysui/desktop/appstream-appdata/libreoffice-draw.appdata.xml    |   61 
 sysui/desktop/appstream-appdata/libreoffice-impress.appdata.xml |   54 ++++----
 sysui/desktop/appstream-appdata/libreoffice-writer.appdata.xml  |   61 
 5 files changed, 160 insertions(+), 131 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit 6b5cbdf8330bc1516c775757e489716337868a9f
Author: Michael Stahl <>
Date:   Tue Nov 1 15:46:54 2016 +0100

    sysui: add "translate" urls to AppData files
    * run "appstream-util upgrade"
    * add "translate" urls
    Change-Id: I3bad7d5dd90cce7703a100ac95097ad3a8f2c56d

diff --git a/sysui/desktop/appstream-appdata/libreoffice-base.appdata.xml 
index 2a9d3b6..459e617 100644
--- a/sysui/desktop/appstream-appdata/libreoffice-base.appdata.xml
+++ b/sysui/desktop/appstream-appdata/libreoffice-base.appdata.xml
@@ -1,45 +1,52 @@
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 <component type="desktop">
-<name>LibreOffice Base</name>
-<summary>Database manager part of the LibreOffice productivity suite</summary>
+  <id>libreoffice-base.desktop</id>
+  <metadata_license>CC0-1.0</metadata_license>
+  <project_license>MPL-2.0</project_license>
+  <name>LibreOffice Base</name>
+  <summary>Database manager part of the LibreOffice productivity 
+  <description>
+    <p>
 Base is a powerful database manager, part of the LibreOffice productivity 
 It allows you to store, manage and maintain different collections of data.
 Base makes it easy to keep track of your finances, customers, invoices, or even
 just the contacts in your address book!
+    <p>
 For users that are new to databases, Base offeres helpful wizards to create 
 queries, forms and reports.
 It's a solution for people requiring an easy-to-understand, simple-to-use 
+    <p>
 For power users and enterprise requirements, it provides native-support drivers
 for some of the most-widely employed multi-user database engines:
 PostgreSQL, MySQL and MS Access.
 In addition, the built-in support for JDBC- and ODBC-standard drivers allows 
 to connect to virtually any other existing database engine as well.
-<url type="homepage"></url>
-<url type="bugtracker"></url>
-<url type="donation"></url>
-<url type="faq"></url>
-<url type="help"></url>
-<developer_name>The Document Foundation</developer_name>
-  <kudo>HiDpiIcon</kudo>
-  <kudo>HighContrast</kudo>
-  <kudo>ModernToolkit</kudo>
-  <kudo>UserDocs</kudo>
+  </description>
+  <url type="homepage"></url>
+  <url type="bugtracker"></url>
+  <url type="donation"></url>
+  <url type="faq"></url>
+  <url type="help"></url>
+  <url 
+  <screenshots>
+    <screenshot type="default">
+      <caption><!-- Describe this screenshot in less than ~10 words 
+    </screenshot>
+    <screenshot>
+      <caption><!-- Describe this screenshot in less than ~10 words 
+    </screenshot>
+  </screenshots>
+  <developer_name>The Document Foundation</developer_name>
+  <update_contact></update_contact>
+  <kudos>
+    <kudo>HiDpiIcon</kudo>
+    <kudo>HighContrast</kudo>
+    <kudo>ModernToolkit</kudo>
+    <kudo>UserDocs</kudo>
+  </kudos>
diff --git a/sysui/desktop/appstream-appdata/libreoffice-calc.appdata.xml 
index b438931..16f47b1 100644
--- a/sysui/desktop/appstream-appdata/libreoffice-calc.appdata.xml
+++ b/sysui/desktop/appstream-appdata/libreoffice-calc.appdata.xml
@@ -1,38 +1,42 @@
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 <component type="desktop">
-<name>LibreOffice Calc</name>
-<summary>Spreadsheet program of the LibreOffice productivity suite</summary>
+  <id>libreoffice-calc.desktop</id>
+  <metadata_license>CC0-1.0</metadata_license>
+  <project_license>MPL-2.0</project_license>
+  <name>LibreOffice Calc</name>
+  <summary>Spreadsheet program of the LibreOffice productivity suite</summary>
+  <description>
+    <p>
 Calc is a powerful and extensible spreadsheet program, part of the LibreOffice
 productivity suite.
 Newcomers find it intuitive and easy to learn.
 Professional data miners and number crunchers will appreciate the comprehensive
 range of advanced functions.
+    <p>
 LibreOffice supports opening and saving into a wide variety of formats, so you
 can easily share spreadsheets with users of other popular office suites without
 worrying about compatibility.
-<url type="homepage"></url>
-<url type="bugtracker"></url>
-<url type="donation"></url>
-<url type="faq"></url>
-<url type="help"></url>
-<developer_name>The Document Foundation</developer_name>
-  <kudo>HiDpiIcon</kudo>
-  <kudo>HighContrast</kudo>
-  <kudo>ModernToolkit</kudo>
-  <kudo>UserDocs</kudo>
+  </description>
+  <url type="homepage"></url>
+  <url type="bugtracker"></url>
+  <url type="donation"></url>
+  <url type="faq"></url>
+  <url type="help"></url>
+  <url 
+  <screenshots>
+    <screenshot type="default">
+      <caption><!-- Describe this screenshot in less than ~10 words 
+    </screenshot>
+  </screenshots>
+  <developer_name>The Document Foundation</developer_name>
+  <update_contact></update_contact>
+  <kudos>
+    <kudo>HiDpiIcon</kudo>
+    <kudo>HighContrast</kudo>
+    <kudo>ModernToolkit</kudo>
+    <kudo>UserDocs</kudo>
+  </kudos>
diff --git a/sysui/desktop/appstream-appdata/libreoffice-draw.appdata.xml 
index f175008..fff01de 100644
--- a/sysui/desktop/appstream-appdata/libreoffice-draw.appdata.xml
+++ b/sysui/desktop/appstream-appdata/libreoffice-draw.appdata.xml
@@ -1,44 +1,51 @@
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 <component type="desktop">
-<name>LibreOffice Draw</name>
-<summary>Graphics editor part of the LibreOffice productivity suite</summary>
+  <id>libreoffice-draw.desktop</id>
+  <metadata_license>CC0-1.0</metadata_license>
+  <project_license>MPL-2.0</project_license>
+  <name>LibreOffice Draw</name>
+  <summary>Graphics editor part of the LibreOffice productivity suite</summary>
+  <description>
+    <p>
 LibreOffice Draw is an easy-to-use graphics editor, which empowers you to 
 anything from quick sketches to complex diagrams.
 It provides a powerful set of tools and shapes for producing technical 
 charts, and much else.
+    <p>
 Draw allows you to create, manipulate and arrange different objects - it offers
 a number of tools for editing, resizing, rotating, grouping and styling them!
 It also provides smart connectors that make it easy for you to build charts and
 diagrams, and make beautiful drawings composed of different objects.
+    <p>
 LibreOffice supports opening and saving into a wide variety of formats, so you
 can easily share drawings with users of other popular office suites without
 worrying about compatibility.
-<url type="homepage"></url>
-<url type="bugtracker"></url>
-<url type="donation"></url>
-<url type="faq"></url>
-<url type="help"></url>
-<developer_name>The Document Foundation</developer_name>
-  <kudo>HiDpiIcon</kudo>
-  <kudo>HighContrast</kudo>
-  <kudo>ModernToolkit</kudo>
-  <kudo>UserDocs</kudo>
+  </description>
+  <url type="homepage"></url>
+  <url type="bugtracker"></url>
+  <url type="donation"></url>
+  <url type="faq"></url>
+  <url type="help"></url>
+  <url 
+  <screenshots>
+    <screenshot type="default">
+      <caption><!-- Describe this screenshot in less than ~10 words 
+    </screenshot>
+    <screenshot>
+      <caption><!-- Describe this screenshot in less than ~10 words 
+    </screenshot>
+  </screenshots>
+  <developer_name>The Document Foundation</developer_name>
+  <update_contact></update_contact>
+  <kudos>
+    <kudo>HiDpiIcon</kudo>
+    <kudo>HighContrast</kudo>
+    <kudo>ModernToolkit</kudo>
+    <kudo>UserDocs</kudo>
+  </kudos>
diff --git a/sysui/desktop/appstream-appdata/libreoffice-impress.appdata.xml 
index c998e58..0236b04 100644
--- a/sysui/desktop/appstream-appdata/libreoffice-impress.appdata.xml
+++ b/sysui/desktop/appstream-appdata/libreoffice-impress.appdata.xml
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 <component type="desktop">
-<name>LibreOffice Impress</name>
-<summary>Presentation program of the LibreOffice productivity suite</summary>
+  <id>libreoffice-impress.desktop</id>
+  <metadata_license>CC0-1.0</metadata_license>
+  <project_license>MPL-2.0</project_license>
+  <name>LibreOffice Impress</name>
+  <summary>Presentation program of the LibreOffice productivity suite</summary>
+  <description>
+    <p>
 Impress is a presentation program and part of the LibreOffice productivity 
 Impress is the fastest and easiest way to create effective multimedia 
 Stunning animation and sensational special effects help you convince your 
@@ -14,26 +14,30 @@ Create presentations that look even more professional than 
the standard
 presentations you commonly see at work. Get your colleagues’ and bosses’ 
 by creating something a little bit different.
+    <p>
 LibreOffice supports opening and saving into a wide variety of formats, so you
 can easily share presentations with users of other popular office suites 
 worrying about compatibility.
-<url type="homepage"></url>
-<url type="bugtracker"></url>
-<url type="donation"></url>
-<url type="faq"></url>
-<url type="help"></url>
-<developer_name>The Document Foundation</developer_name>
-  <kudo>HiDpiIcon</kudo>
-  <kudo>HighContrast</kudo>
-  <kudo>ModernToolkit</kudo>
-  <kudo>UserDocs</kudo>
+  </description>
+  <url type="homepage"></url>
+  <url type="bugtracker"></url>
+  <url type="donation"></url>
+  <url type="faq"></url>
+  <url type="help"></url>
+  <url 
+  <screenshots>
+    <screenshot type="default">
+      <caption><!-- Describe this screenshot in less than ~10 words 
+    </screenshot>
+  </screenshots>
+  <developer_name>The Document Foundation</developer_name>
+  <update_contact></update_contact>
+  <kudos>
+    <kudo>HiDpiIcon</kudo>
+    <kudo>HighContrast</kudo>
+    <kudo>ModernToolkit</kudo>
+    <kudo>UserDocs</kudo>
+  </kudos>
diff --git a/sysui/desktop/appstream-appdata/libreoffice-writer.appdata.xml 
index 089166f..6f16287 100644
--- a/sysui/desktop/appstream-appdata/libreoffice-writer.appdata.xml
+++ b/sysui/desktop/appstream-appdata/libreoffice-writer.appdata.xml
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 <component type="desktop">
-<name>LibreOffice Writer</name>
-<summary>Word processor part of the LibreOffice productivity suite</summary>
+  <id>libreoffice-writer.desktop</id>
+  <metadata_license>CC0-1.0</metadata_license>
+  <project_license>MPL-2.0</project_license>
+  <name>LibreOffice Writer</name>
+  <summary>Word processor part of the LibreOffice productivity suite</summary>
+  <description>
+    <p>
 Writer is the word processor inside LibreOffice productivity suite.
 Use it for everything, from dashing off a quick letter to producing an entire
 book with tables of contents, embedded illustrations, bibliographies and 
@@ -15,32 +15,39 @@ make difficult tasks easy (but are easy to disable if you 
 Writer is powerful enough to tackle desktop publishing tasks such as creating
 multi-column newsletters and brochures. The only limit is your imagination.
+    <p>
 Based on the what-you-see-is-what-you-get principle, Writer allows you to apply
 various styles and formatting effects to your document and view the results
+    <p>
 LibreOffice supports opening and saving into a wide variety of formats, so you
 can easily share documents with users of other popular office suites without
 worrying about compatibility.
-<url type="homepage"></url>
-<url type="bugtracker"></url>
-<url type="donation"></url>
-<url type="faq"></url>
-<url type="help"></url>
-<developer_name>The Document Foundation</developer_name>
-  <kudo>HiDpiIcon</kudo>
-  <kudo>HighContrast</kudo>
-  <kudo>ModernToolkit</kudo>
-  <kudo>UserDocs</kudo>
+  </description>
+  <url type="homepage"></url>
+  <url type="bugtracker"></url>
+  <url type="donation"></url>
+  <url type="faq"></url>
+  <url type="help"></url>
+  <url 
+  <screenshots>
+    <screenshot type="default">
+      <caption><!-- Describe this screenshot in less than ~10 words 
+    </screenshot>
+    <screenshot>
+      <caption><!-- Describe this screenshot in less than ~10 words 
+    </screenshot>
+  </screenshots>
+  <developer_name>The Document Foundation</developer_name>
+  <update_contact></update_contact>
+  <kudos>
+    <kudo>HiDpiIcon</kudo>
+    <kudo>HighContrast</kudo>
+    <kudo>ModernToolkit</kudo>
+    <kudo>UserDocs</kudo>
+  </kudos>
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