||* Present:||

        + Stephan, Sophie,Caolan, Heiko, Kendy, JanI, Miklos, Noel, Xisco,

          Christian, Jan-Marek, Robinson, Armin, Michael S, Michael M,

          Thorsten, Lionel


* Completed Action Items:

||    + create mentor summit proposal (Thorsten)||

        [Moggi and Thorsten going]

|| ||

||* Pending Action Items:||

||    + align release dates and issues, patch merging (Caolan, Cloph)||

        [ waiting on AOO decision ]

||    + poke at MSDN licenses (Michael)||

||        [ ping again on that ]||

||    + investigate a cron job that queries & auto-merges (Norbert)||

||        [ the solution proposed by David - using his query & a JSON

||          to refine it - will work - needs a bit more python (Norbert) ]||

||    + tweak UI and get LiveConnect API key / build case for board

||       + still need to get API key, rest is done||

        [ planned for 5.3 release ]

||    + attempt to re-build a recent gstreamer 1.0 / core spec file||

||      on our CentOS6 base (tdf#94508) (Christian)||

        [ planned for 5.3 release ]

|| ||

||* Release Engineering update (JanI)||

||    + 5.2.2 RC2||

||       + done, build running, general announcement pending build.||

       + will be announced later this evening for early QA list

       + not heard from Norbert wrt. Mac builds.

||    + 5.1 → 5.1.6 rc1 Oct 4th||

||    + 5.3 → 5.3.0 alpha 1 Oct 18th||

||    + Android & iOS Remote(Cloph)||

       + not pushed yet to the play store, but should arrive tomorrow.

|| ||

* Infra call (Cloph)

    + moving the maintenance window from Mon/Tues night to Sat. evening

    + will be some VM reboots due to system updates; prolly around
9pm(berlin time?→ yes)

    + poll for a new time schedule for sysadmin call:

       + if you're interested please fill it out

       + http://doodle.com/poll/7agdzx4xux4yzsk9(esp. block those you
cannot attend for sure)


||* Documentation (Olivier)||

||    +Several help pages updates from Stan Horacek, Gabor Kelemen,
Adopho Jayme.||

    + Help page for notebook barin gerrit (based on work of Szymon Klos).

       + eager to have it called Extended Toolbar in docs (Heiko)

       + concept behind may be called MUFFIN by marketing; but this
discussion has just been started

    + Patch for menu Help -> Documentation...

      that will point to documentation.libreofice.org, an entry page for
downloading finished books.

    +Initial screenshots for help pages from Katarina Behrens (bubli).





    + should we use it for the on-line help too ? (Kendy)

       + what's the impact on install size etc. ?

       + currently packaged along with normal images (Bubli)

           + short-listing most used languages discussed with Olivier

       + discuss with l10n list (Sophie)

           + concern wrt. languages being short-listed (Michael)

       + 'make postprocess' script (Bubli)

           + traverses folders, and finds images there

           + extended this to crawl the help repository to get

             all images into one zip archive.

       + how much does it grow the help packages ? (Kendy)

           + would be interesting to know; not a huge issue.

           + if double the size; might be interesting to have

             the screenshots on-line.

       + check the size of the help-packs with images (Olivier)

           + 6-7 Mb - it goes 10-15Mb - still a small package.

       => should give nice translated images in help everywhere.

       + using new screenshotting code from CIB (Bubli)

           + could we take screenshots at run-time instead ? (Michael)

               + instead of shipping copies of dialogs

           + basic functionality is in the core (Armin)

               + can call the generate-screenshot interface;

                 should be possible without too much work.

               + find the call-point where help is pulling it,

                 slight blinking - not yet got it running without

                 showing the dialog.

|| ||

||* UX Update (Heiko)||

  + needsUXAdvice as of 2016-Sep-22: total 489 (-9)

||    Base                      1         +1||

||    Calc                    36        +23||

||    Draw                    69         +5||

||    Extensions                0         -1||

||    filters and storage      1          0||

||    framework                1         -2||

||    Impress                  25        +15||

||    Installation              0         -1||

||    LibreOffice            261        -89||

||    Localization              0          0||

||    Printing and PDF export   1         +1||

||    UI                       14         +1||

||    Writer                   77        +38||

||  + New topics (+9)||

    * Non-printable characters in text boxes

    * Issues with hidden text in Writer

||    * Requests to show display options in view menu||

    * Master and subtile style in Impress

    * Single click vs. double click in start center

  + thanks to jmux for fixing KDE toolbar gradients.


||* Crashtest update (Caolan)||

||    + 2import failure, 0export failures||

||      <77 coverity issues, busted last build claims 0 issues,||

            will be fixed on next window tomorrow

|| ||

||* Newbie / Windows baseline & version recommendations (Michael)||

    + in the process of re-writing the wiki pages (JanI)

        + have a VM locally to check that.

        + the installation procedure is hard to test on a tinderbox.

    => should only ever recommend configurations tested by CI and
tinderbox to newbies.

    + should lock the wiki pages too (Cloph)

    + plan move it to an HTML page instead (JanI)

    + good to avoid the Visual Studio integration flow (Miklos)

AI ==> JanI fix wiki, and test.

|| ||

||* Hackfests (Bjoern)||

||    + next venues / suggestions||

||    + Code for Hamburg (Eike)||

||        + Friday to Sunday hacking event||

||          https://redmine.documentfoundation.org/issues/1999||

||        + Koerberstiftung: Digital Empowerment||



||        + Leuphana?

||    + girls-only event in Berlin, 29th October||

||        + "Ladies who FOSS"

           wikimedia and firefox already participating

||        + Bubli will be there, and so is Heiko||

        + sent our data, trying to get into the list of projects

        + will build a list of design, interface, UX focused easy-hacks.

||    + 33c3 CfP open:

||        + Anyone interested in a LibreOffice assembly -- or one shared
e.g. with FSFE?||

||        + talks? workshops? deadline: 2016-09-30||

|| ||

||* Updating ESC stats (Bjoern)||

||    + wait for Bjoern to be here- for 3rd week||

|| ||

||* Mentoring/easyhack update (janI)||

|| + legend: contributors are not-yet-committers, numbers in () are +/-
compared to last week||

   + summary:

       16464(-390) commits in a year of which 7546(-400) were made
directly, without use of gerrit

       290(0) people made commits in a year, 67(32) in a month. 48(11)
people to be emailed

   + gerrit:   committer open  61(-11)       contributor open  36(4)

               updated  merged    abandoned   updated  merged     abandoned

        year:   61(-11)  7318(28)  587(13)      36(4)   1600(-18)  489(-2)

        month:  61(-11)   605(36)   51( 8)      36(4)    132(-5)   16(-4)

        week:   37(-8)    170(35)  1 9(11)      25(7)     31(1)    2(-2)

   + easyHacks:

        total 260(0) open 225(3) assigned 7(0) needinfo 28(-3)

        needsDevEval 481(-17) of which 0(0) are easyHacks

        needsUXEval 488(-6) of which 6(0) are easyHacks

        missing cleanup due to many comments 215(0)

   + top 5 contributors (based on merged patches last month):

         Zdenek Crhonek got 61 patches merged, and have a total of 240
merged patches

              - Doing CALC test documents, which is really helpful

         Gabor Kelemen got 13 patches merged, and have a total of 16
merged patches

         Stanislav Horáček got 7 patches merged, and have a total of 90
merged patches

              - Updating help texts, which is very helpful

         Muhammet Kara got 5 patches merged, and have a total of 61
merged patches

         Gökhan Gurbetoğlu got 5 patches merged, and have a total of 9
merged patches

   + new easyHacks:

       * NONE *

   + create your own by updating Keywords to eg. "easyHack,
difficultyBeginner, skillCpp, topicCleanup"

   + please remember, a codepointer is mandatory, and typically a look
from an experienced developer

   + create new easy hacks from these ones or remove "needsDevEval" if
not feasible):



   + Went through NEEDINFO+Easyhack and move some away from easyHack 


   + Capstone project was not accepted

   + QA (Xisco, buovjaga) discussions about how to use keywords on Easyhacks

   + Reworking esc-mentoring to provide a single JSON providing data
scraper for QA and Mentoring

   + Participation Award pdf (Artwork thanks to Mike) sent to Board for
final aproval

   + October 10th, Mike and I will start a Development Community week
with extra outreach


||* Commit Access||

|| ||

||* Developer Certification (Stephan/Bjoern/Kendy/Thorsten)||

||     + work in-progress ... some three possible names, hunting some more.||

|| ||

||* Jenkins / CI update (Norbert)||

    master linux rel  jobs: 160 ok: 158 ko:   2 fail ratio:  1.25 %
break:   1 broken duration: 0.60%

    master linux dbg  jobs: 135 ok: 122 ko:  12 fail ratio:  8.89 %
break:  11 broken duration: 6.91%

    master mac rel    jobs: 112 ok: 111 ko:   1 fail ratio:  0.89 %
break:   1 broken duration: 0.81%

    master mac dbg    jobs: 108 ok: 103 ko:   5 fail ratio:  4.63 %
break:   5 broken duration: 9.22%

    master win rel    jobs: 135 ok: 118 ko:  17 fail ratio: 12.59 %
break:   5 broken duration:16.99%

    master win dbg    jobs: 132 ok: 103 ko:  29 fail ratio: 21.97 %
break:   8 broken duration:32.41%

    master win64 dbg  jobs: 128 ok: 101 ko:  27 fail ratio: 21.09 %
break:   7 broken duration:31.80%

    lo-5.2 mac        jobs:  14 ok:  14 ko:   0 fail ratio:  0.00 %
break:   0 broken duration: 0.00%

    lo-5.1 mac        jobs:   4 ok:   4 ko:   0 fail ratio:  0.00 %
break:   0 broken duration: 0.00%

    gerrit win rel    jobs:  43 ok:  41 ko:   2 fail ratio: 4.65%

    gerrit lin rel    jobs:  43 ok:  40 ko:   3 fail ratio: 6.98%

    gerrit mac rel    jobs:  43 ok:  37 ko:   6 fail ratio:13.95%

    gerrit all        jobs:  43 ok:  34 ko:   9 fail ratio:20.93%

|| ||

||* l10n (Sophie)||

    + big event in India this weekend - FUEL GUILT

       + should grow to 23-25 Indiclanguages.


||* QA update (Xisco)||


    * Mass Ping(Tuesday)

        + 1550 bugs pinged

        + 51 has been closed already


   + New bug form replaced in bugzilla


          now used by default for the LibreOffice and Impress Remote entries

          if you want classic entry form, use the entry from the "All
Products" list below

||        + what happened to our previous bug reporting UX front-end ?

             + from Loic Dachery

             + lost when TDF BZ was introduced.

        + replaced with guided bug form (Cloph)

             + pre-fills info from the LibreOffice URL when click
'report a bug'


||    + UNCONFIRMED: 765||

        + number reported last week included the below.

          number is actually static.

||        + enhancements: 76||

||        + needsUXEval: 34||

||    + needsDevEval at 481||

|| ||

* Spammed by bugzilla E-mails (Heiko)

    + deleting BZ mails, and they re-appear

    + sounds like a gmail bug (Michael)

    + fwd. it to Cloph (via postmas...@documentfoundation.org please) if
there is an issue.

||    + Most Pressing Bugs: http://tdf.io/mostressingbugs||

        + tdf#101528 - Crashes on 3D chart modification

||        + tdf#101726 - crash when selecting column and pressing ⌘1 or
clicking menubar Format > Cells||

||            + macOS||

||        + tdf#101771 - FORM creation - hang/crash - impossible to save
a control created from control toolbar||

            + Fixed -- kudos to mstahl

||        + tdf#86926 - FILEOPEN: page format ignored on DOCX import||

||            + Regression from 4.x era||

            + Fixed -- kudos to Justin Luth


||    + Mail merge regressions: http://tdf.io/mmregressions||

||        + 2 open; 2 open last meeting||

|| ||

||* QA stats||

|| ||

||  +

||    +128    -217        (-89 overall)||

||    many thanks to the top bug squashers:||

||        Xisco Faulí           16||

||        Heiko Tietze          13||

||        V Stuart Foote        10||

||        Buovjaga               8||

||        Cor Nouws              7||

||        Jean-Baptiste Faure    7||

||        Julien Nabet           7||

||        Mark Hung              7||

||        Gabor Kelemen          6||

||        Eike Rathke            6||

||        Yousuf Philips (jay)   6||

||        Michael Meeks          5||

||        Michael Stahl          4||

||        Aron Budea             4||

||        Oliver Specht          4||

|| ||

||* Highest-Priority bugs (aka "MABs"):||

||        5.2: 1/17   -  5%||

||        5.1: 2/30   -  6%||

||        5.0: 8/55   - 14%||

||        4.4: 8/74   - 10%||

||        4.3: 4/69   -  5%||

||        4.2: 7/133  -  5%||

||        4.1: 4/79   -  5%||

||        4.0: 7/82   -  8%||

||        old: 31/246 - 12%||


|| ||

        <link to query here> ;-)

|| ||

||* Bibisected bugs open: keyword 'bibisected'||

||    + 349/1445 347/1431 338/1407 325/1390 325/1383 325/1383 333/1383
340/1383 348/1382||

||        +

|| ||

||* all bugs tagged with 'regression'||

||    + 688(-4) bugs open of 5176(+17) total 13(-1) high prio.||

|| ||

||        * ~Component   count net * high severity regressions||

||                  Calc -  4 (+0)||

||                Writer -  4 (+0)||

||                  Base -  2 (+0)||

||           LibreOffice -  2 (-1)||

||               Impress -  1 (+0)||

||                + http://bit.ly/1HWHb3E||

|| ||

||        * ~Component   count net * all regressions||

||          Writer: total - 212 (-2)||

||                   Calc - 128 (+1)||

||          Writer: other - 119 (-2)||

||                [!?] - should we drop this or Writer:total ?||

||                Impress - 51 (-3)||

||           Writer: docx - 49 (-2)||

||         graphics stack - 42 (+1)||

||            LibreOffice - 42 (-2)||

||                     UI - 39 (+1)||

||                   Base - 31 (-1)||

||                Borders - 31 (-2)||

||            Writer: doc - 31 (+2)||

||                Crashes - 29 (+0)||

||                   Draw - 28 (+1)||

||       filter / storage - 19 (-2)||

||                  Chart - 16 (+0)||

||     print / PDF export - 12 (+0)||

||           Writer: perf - 12 (-1)||

||                  BASIC - 11 (+1)||

||         Writer: filter -  5 (+0)||

||             Extensions -  3 (+0)||

||         Formula Editor -  2 (+1)||

||              framework -  2 (+0)||

||                    sdk -  1 (+0)||

||             Linguistic -  1 (+0)||

||                + http://bit.ly/1BUdI8i||

michael.me...@collabora.com <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

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