||* Present:|| + Stephan, Sophie,Caolan, Heiko, Kendy, JanI, Miklos, Noel, Xisco,
Christian, Jan-Marek, Robinson, Armin, Michael S, Michael M, Thorsten, Lionel * Completed Action Items: || + create mentor summit proposal (Thorsten)|| [Moggi and Thorsten going] || || ||* Pending Action Items:|| || + align release dates and issues, patch merging (Caolan, Cloph)|| [ waiting on AOO decision ] || + poke at MSDN licenses (Michael)|| || [ ping again on that ]|| || + investigate a cron job that queries & auto-merges (Norbert)|| || [ the solution proposed by David - using his query & a JSON script|| || to refine it - will work - needs a bit more python (Norbert) ]|| || + tweak UI and get LiveConnect API key / build case for board (Christian)|| || + still need to get API key, rest is done|| [ planned for 5.3 release ] || + attempt to re-build a recent gstreamer 1.0 / core spec file|| || on our CentOS6 base (tdf#94508) (Christian)|| [ planned for 5.3 release ] || || ||* Release Engineering update (JanI)|| || + 5.2.2 RC2|| || + done, build running, general announcement pending build.|| + will be announced later this evening for early QA list + not heard from Norbert wrt. Mac builds. || + 5.1 → 5.1.6 rc1 Oct 4th|| || + 5.3 → 5.3.0 alpha 1 Oct 18th|| || + Android & iOS Remote(Cloph)|| + not pushed yet to the play store, but should arrive tomorrow. || || * Infra call (Cloph) + moving the maintenance window from Mon/Tues night to Sat. evening + will be some VM reboots due to system updates; prolly around 9pm(berlin time?→ yes) + poll for a new time schedule for sysadmin call: + if you're interested please fill it out + http://doodle.com/poll/7agdzx4xux4yzsk9(esp. block those you cannot attend for sure) ||* Documentation (Olivier)|| || +Several help pages updates from Stan Horacek, Gabor Kelemen, Adopho Jayme.|| + Help page for notebook barin gerrit (based on work of Szymon Klos). + eager to have it called Extended Toolbar in docs (Heiko) + concept behind may be called MUFFIN by marketing; but this discussion has just been started + Patch for menu Help -> Documentation... that will point to documentation.libreofice.org, an entry page for downloading finished books. +Initial screenshots for help pages from Katarina Behrens (bubli). http://vm173.documentfoundation.org/text/shared/01/05040200.xhp http://vm173.documentfoundation.org/text/shared/01/05020100.xhp http://vm173.documentfoundation.org/text/simpress/01/03152000.xhp http://vm173.documentfoundation.org/text/simpress/01/04030000.xhp + should we use it for the on-line help too ? (Kendy) + what's the impact on install size etc. ? + currently packaged along with normal images (Bubli) + short-listing most used languages discussed with Olivier + discuss with l10n list (Sophie) + concern wrt. languages being short-listed (Michael) + 'make postprocess' script (Bubli) + traverses folders, and finds images there + extended this to crawl the help repository to get all images into one zip archive. + how much does it grow the help packages ? (Kendy) + would be interesting to know; not a huge issue. + if double the size; might be interesting to have the screenshots on-line. + check the size of the help-packs with images (Olivier) + 6-7 Mb - it goes 10-15Mb - still a small package. => should give nice translated images in help everywhere. + using new screenshotting code from CIB (Bubli) + could we take screenshots at run-time instead ? (Michael) + instead of shipping copies of dialogs + basic functionality is in the core (Armin) + can call the generate-screenshot interface; should be possible without too much work. + find the call-point where help is pulling it, slight blinking - not yet got it running without showing the dialog. || || ||* UX Update (Heiko)|| + needsUXAdvice as of 2016-Sep-22: total 489 (-9) || Base 1 +1|| || Calc 36 +23|| || Draw 69 +5|| || Extensions 0 -1|| || filters and storage 1 0|| || framework 1 -2|| || Impress 25 +15|| || Installation 0 -1|| || LibreOffice 261 -89|| || Localization 0 0|| || Printing and PDF export 1 +1|| || UI 14 +1|| || Writer 77 +38|| || + New topics (+9)|| * Non-printable characters in text boxes * Issues with hidden text in Writer || * Requests to show display options in view menu|| * Master and subtile style in Impress * Single click vs. double click in start center + thanks to jmux for fixing KDE toolbar gradients. ||* Crashtest update (Caolan)|| || + 2import failure, 0export failures|| || <77 coverity issues, busted last build claims 0 issues,|| will be fixed on next window tomorrow || || ||* Newbie / Windows baseline & version recommendations (Michael)|| + in the process of re-writing the wiki pages (JanI) + have a VM locally to check that. + the installation procedure is hard to test on a tinderbox. => should only ever recommend configurations tested by CI and tinderbox to newbies. + should lock the wiki pages too (Cloph) + plan move it to an HTML page instead (JanI) + good to avoid the Visual Studio integration flow (Miklos) AI ==> JanI fix wiki, and test. || || ||* Hackfests (Bjoern)|| || + next venues / suggestions|| || + Code for Hamburg (Eike)|| || + Friday to Sunday hacking event|| || https://redmine.documentfoundation.org/issues/1999|| || + Koerberstiftung: Digital Empowerment|| || http://www.kampnagel.de/de/programm/datapolitics/?datum=&id_datum=4756|| || http://www.koerber-stiftung.de/innovation/im-fokus-digitale-muendigkeit.html|| || + Leuphana? http://www.leuphana.de/en/research-centers/cdc/news.html|| || + girls-only event in Berlin, 29th October|| || + "Ladies who FOSS" (https://wikimedia.de/wiki/Ladies_that_FOSS) <https://wikimedia.de/wiki/Ladies_that_FOSS%29>|| wikimedia and firefox already participating || + Bubli will be there, and so is Heiko|| + sent our data, trying to get into the list of projects + will build a list of design, interface, UX focused easy-hacks. || + 33c3 CfP open: https://events.ccc.de/2016/09/01/call-for-participation-33rd-chaos-communication-congress-en/(Bjoern)|| || + Anyone interested in a LibreOffice assembly -- or one shared e.g. with FSFE?|| || + talks? workshops? deadline: 2016-09-30|| || || ||* Updating ESC stats (Bjoern)|| || + wait for Bjoern to be here- for 3rd week|| || || ||* Mentoring/easyhack update (janI)|| || + legend: contributors are not-yet-committers, numbers in () are +/- compared to last week|| + summary: 16464(-390) commits in a year of which 7546(-400) were made directly, without use of gerrit 290(0) people made commits in a year, 67(32) in a month. 48(11) people to be emailed + gerrit: committer open 61(-11) contributor open 36(4) updated merged abandoned updated merged abandoned year: 61(-11) 7318(28) 587(13) 36(4) 1600(-18) 489(-2) month: 61(-11) 605(36) 51( 8) 36(4) 132(-5) 16(-4) week: 37(-8) 170(35) 1 9(11) 25(7) 31(1) 2(-2) + easyHacks: total 260(0) open 225(3) assigned 7(0) needinfo 28(-3) needsDevEval 481(-17) of which 0(0) are easyHacks needsUXEval 488(-6) of which 6(0) are easyHacks missing cleanup due to many comments 215(0) + top 5 contributors (based on merged patches last month): Zdenek Crhonek got 61 patches merged, and have a total of 240 merged patches - Doing CALC test documents, which is really helpful Gabor Kelemen got 13 patches merged, and have a total of 16 merged patches Stanislav Horáček got 7 patches merged, and have a total of 90 merged patches - Updating help texts, which is very helpful Muhammet Kara got 5 patches merged, and have a total of 61 merged patches Gökhan Gurbetoğlu got 5 patches merged, and have a total of 9 merged patches + new easyHacks: * NONE * + create your own by updating Keywords to eg. "easyHack, difficultyBeginner, skillCpp, topicCleanup" + please remember, a codepointer is mandatory, and typically a look from an experienced developer + create new easy hacks from these ones or remove "needsDevEval" if not feasible): https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/buglist.cgi?keywords=needsDevEval + Went through NEEDINFO+Easyhack and move some away from easyHack + Capstone project was not accepted + QA (Xisco, buovjaga) discussions about how to use keywords on Easyhacks + Reworking esc-mentoring to provide a single JSON providing data scraper for QA and Mentoring + Participation Award pdf (Artwork thanks to Mike) sent to Board for final aproval + October 10th, Mike and I will start a Development Community week with extra outreach ||* Commit Access|| || || ||* Developer Certification (Stephan/Bjoern/Kendy/Thorsten)|| || + work in-progress ... some three possible names, hunting some more.|| || || ||* Jenkins / CI update (Norbert)|| master linux rel jobs: 160 ok: 158 ko: 2 fail ratio: 1.25 % break: 1 broken duration: 0.60% master linux dbg jobs: 135 ok: 122 ko: 12 fail ratio: 8.89 % break: 11 broken duration: 6.91% master mac rel jobs: 112 ok: 111 ko: 1 fail ratio: 0.89 % break: 1 broken duration: 0.81% master mac dbg jobs: 108 ok: 103 ko: 5 fail ratio: 4.63 % break: 5 broken duration: 9.22% master win rel jobs: 135 ok: 118 ko: 17 fail ratio: 12.59 % break: 5 broken duration:16.99% master win dbg jobs: 132 ok: 103 ko: 29 fail ratio: 21.97 % break: 8 broken duration:32.41% master win64 dbg jobs: 128 ok: 101 ko: 27 fail ratio: 21.09 % break: 7 broken duration:31.80% lo-5.2 mac jobs: 14 ok: 14 ko: 0 fail ratio: 0.00 % break: 0 broken duration: 0.00% lo-5.1 mac jobs: 4 ok: 4 ko: 0 fail ratio: 0.00 % break: 0 broken duration: 0.00% gerrit win rel jobs: 43 ok: 41 ko: 2 fail ratio: 4.65% gerrit lin rel jobs: 43 ok: 40 ko: 3 fail ratio: 6.98% gerrit mac rel jobs: 43 ok: 37 ko: 6 fail ratio:13.95% gerrit all jobs: 43 ok: 34 ko: 9 fail ratio:20.93% || || ||* l10n (Sophie)|| + big event in India this weekend - FUEL GUILT + should grow to 23-25 Indiclanguages. ||* QA update (Xisco)|| * Mass Ping(Tuesday) + 1550 bugs pinged + 51 has been closed already + New bug form replaced in bugzilla + https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=LibreOffice&format=guided now used by default for the LibreOffice and Impress Remote entries if you want classic entry form, use the entry from the "All Products" list below || + what happened to our previous bug reporting UX front-end ? (Michael)|| + from Loic Dachery + lost when TDF BZ was introduced. + replaced with guided bug form (Cloph) + pre-fills info from the LibreOffice URL when click 'report a bug' || + UNCONFIRMED: 765|| + number reported last week included the below. number is actually static. || + enhancements: 76|| || + needsUXEval: 34|| || + needsDevEval at 481|| || || * Spammed by bugzilla E-mails (Heiko) + deleting BZ mails, and they re-appear + sounds like a gmail bug (Michael) + fwd. it to Cloph (via postmas...@documentfoundation.org please) if there is an issue. || + Most Pressing Bugs: http://tdf.io/mostressingbugs|| + tdf#101528 - Crashes on 3D chart modification || + tdf#101726 - crash when selecting column and pressing ⌘1 or clicking menubar Format > Cells|| || + macOS|| || + tdf#101771 - FORM creation - hang/crash - impossible to save a control created from control toolbar|| + Fixed -- kudos to mstahl || + tdf#86926 - FILEOPEN: page format ignored on DOCX import|| || + Regression from 4.x era|| + Fixed -- kudos to Justin Luth || + Mail merge regressions: http://tdf.io/mmregressions|| || + 2 open; 2 open last meeting|| || || ||* QA stats|| || || || + https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/page.cgi?id=weekly-bug-summary.html|| || +128 -217 (-89 overall)|| || many thanks to the top bug squashers:|| || Xisco Faulí 16|| || Heiko Tietze 13|| || V Stuart Foote 10|| || Buovjaga 8|| || Cor Nouws 7|| || Jean-Baptiste Faure 7|| || Julien Nabet 7|| || Mark Hung 7|| || Gabor Kelemen 6|| || Eike Rathke 6|| || Yousuf Philips (jay) 6|| || Michael Meeks 5|| || Michael Stahl 4|| || Aron Budea 4|| || Oliver Specht 4|| || || ||* Highest-Priority bugs (aka "MABs"):|| || 5.2: 1/17 - 5%|| || 5.1: 2/30 - 6%|| || 5.0: 8/55 - 14%|| || 4.4: 8/74 - 10%|| || 4.3: 4/69 - 5%|| || 4.2: 7/133 - 5%|| || 4.1: 4/79 - 5%|| || 4.0: 7/82 - 8%|| || old: 31/246 - 12%|| https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/buglist.cgi?bug_severity=blocker&bug_severity=critical&bug_status=UNCONFIRMED&bug_status=NEW&bug_status=ASSIGNED&bug_status=REOPENED&chfield=priority&chfieldto=Now&list_id=635663&priority=highest&product=LibreOffice&query_format=advanced&resolution=--- || || <link to query here> ;-) || || ||* Bibisected bugs open: keyword 'bibisected'|| || + 349/1445 347/1431 338/1407 325/1390 325/1383 325/1383 333/1383 340/1383 348/1382|| || + https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/buglist.cgi?bug_status=UNCONFIRMED&bug_status=NEW&bug_status=ASSIGNED&bug_status=REOPENED&f1=keywords&known_name=LibreOffice%20Bi-bisected&o1=substring&product=LibreOffice&query_based_on=LibreOffice%20Bi-bisected&query_format=advanced&resolution=---&v1=bibisected|| || || ||* all bugs tagged with 'regression'|| || + 688(-4) bugs open of 5176(+17) total 13(-1) high prio.|| || || || * ~Component count net * high severity regressions|| || Calc - 4 (+0)|| || Writer - 4 (+0)|| || Base - 2 (+0)|| || LibreOffice - 2 (-1)|| || Impress - 1 (+0)|| || + http://bit.ly/1HWHb3E|| || || || * ~Component count net * all regressions|| || Writer: total - 212 (-2)|| || Calc - 128 (+1)|| || Writer: other - 119 (-2)|| || [!?] - should we drop this or Writer:total ?|| || Impress - 51 (-3)|| || Writer: docx - 49 (-2)|| || graphics stack - 42 (+1)|| || LibreOffice - 42 (-2)|| || UI - 39 (+1)|| || Base - 31 (-1)|| || Borders - 31 (-2)|| || Writer: doc - 31 (+2)|| || Crashes - 29 (+0)|| || Draw - 28 (+1)|| || filter / storage - 19 (-2)|| || Chart - 16 (+0)|| || print / PDF export - 12 (+0)|| || Writer: perf - 12 (-1)|| || BASIC - 11 (+1)|| || Writer: filter - 5 (+0)|| || Extensions - 3 (+0)|| || Formula Editor - 2 (+1)|| || framework - 2 (+0)|| || sdk - 1 (+0)|| || Linguistic - 1 (+0)|| || + http://bit.ly/1BUdI8i|| -- michael.me...@collabora.com <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot _______________________________________________ LibreOffice mailing list LibreOffice@lists.freedesktop.org https://lists.freedesktop.org/mailman/listinfo/libreoffice