Hi Matus,

On Mon, 2011-10-10 at 20:22 +0200, Matúš Kukan wrote:
> I just realized (although it's quite basic thing... I was never
> thinking more about details of this merging thing)
> that we can't merge anything what we would want.

        Sure - we have to merge sets of inter-dependent libraries.

> For example we have libraries linking chain:
> svx -> drawninglayer -> cppcanvas -> canvastools
> In list of always used libs (when using writer, calc... ) is svx and
> canvastools so we'd like to merge them but we can't because we'd get
> linking dependency cycle.

        Yep - we have to chuck them all into one big library. Luckily - since
they all depend on each other - we would have them all linked into core
anyway: so we can only win doing that.

> So what is the best strategy now ? Try to merge as much as possible ?
> Or carefully choose each one?

        Well - I guess we should draw a line around some big chunk including
svx (a big beast), and link it all together: clearly we'd need to ensure
the UNO factory functions are disambiguated.

> Maybe it's better to merge more.. but I'm not sure about this.

        The ultimate aim is to merge as much as possible to give the link-time
optimiser the best view of everything I think ...

        Thanks !


michael.me...@suse.com  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

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