* Present: + Norbert, Sophie, jani, Armin, Thorsten, Bjoern, Kendy, Miklos, Robinson, Stephan, Eike, Jacobo, Olivier, Michael S, Michael M * Completed Action Items: + UI changes from non-committers in gerrit: post list to UX team (Kendy) [ ~impossible to find these in gerrit if you see it; please add Yousuf Philips & Adolfo Jayme Barrientos as reviewers. does have -owner in gerrit ? (Bjoern) + yep - but lots of non-UI (Kendy) + ok with doing that (JanI). 7 open right now, will update them shortly. ] * Pending Action Items: + tweak UI and get LiveConnect API key / build case for board (Christian) + attempt to re-build a recent gstreamer 1.0 / core spec file on our CentOS6 base (tdf#94508) (Christian) + script XML / l10n string translation changes (Christian) [ still pending => ignore translating it for now (Cloph) ]. + provide Italo some data: "thanks to 10,000 UI survey respondants in last year" (Kendy) + investigate clobberring glew instead of lots of #ifdefs: (Oliver, Moggi) [ patch merged without account of ESC feedback (Michael) + apologies for _accidental_ premature merge here (Thorsten) + after fixing android build found t-box not running (Miklos) Oliver on vacation this week (Thorsten) Marco working on improving glew (Michael) + Plan to revert most of that & switch to a glew based approach when done Concern wrt. run-time configuration (Thorsten) + stuff that will never work with S/W openGL - why build & ship it ? + adds fat to something that doesn't need it. + why force OGL charts on everyone. + still up for OpenGL only as a future. Goal to have a custom installation ? (Kendy) + pkg maintainers like a minimal installation too + something that has to be re-compiled: lower value. + if able; compile just once - completely headless. + right - but the usual runtime optional feature is a separate shared library / uno component (Thorsten) prefers to have technical details hashed out by people working on that part (Thorsten) ] * Release Engineering update (JanI) + 5.0.6 RC1 - due April 12th. + approaching 5.0.6 - last release (Bjoern) + would be good to fix bibisected regressions (Writer only for starters) between 4.4 and 5.0.6 + mail on the list. + (RC2) - due March 29th: Tuesday morning. + done, due to problems + some windows / firebird problems. + VM - failed on firebird; debugging why. + Cloph made win/lin binaries + push to mirrors outstanding + Android & iOS Remote * Documentation (Olivier) + Chapter 2 "Setting up LibreOffice" updated to 5.1 in Draft LO 5.1 @ODFAuthors + Missing information on OpenCL & LO for documentation purposes, CMIS too + Patches committed into helpcontent2/ + Patches submitted to gerrit for review + some infra pieces need addressing too. + one XSLT thing to add (Kendy) + like re-using original XSLT approach + should be possible not to have to touch the existing XHPs + can do this in javascript. + XHPs should be improved (Olivier) + eg. using MathML to draw equations in help. + happy with JS if necessary. + will be for indexing (Kendy) * l10n (Sophie) + work ongoing, no problems. * GSoC 2016 (Thorsten/JanI) + https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Development/GSoC/Ideas + 3 admin volunteers: janI, Moggi, Thorsten + Still have many proposals to evaluate + Quality as usual, but enough good proposals to keep mentors busy + Some mentors still have not pressed "I want to mentor" button + go press this button on at least one student. AI: + accept invite for mentoring (Muthu) + April 1st (no joke) last day for submitting easyHacks + April 11th, last day for slot requests + need to be reviewed by this date. + propose deadline of next week for accepting mentoring (JanI) + poking on IRC etc. appreciated in advance (Bjoern) + go to https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/dashboard/ + and review - please check the proposals for those with a title of your idea. + If you have multiple google accounts and pressing login just throws you back at the page, going to plus.google.com, click on your ava in the top left corner, click "add account" to get to another acocunt, and than it 'obviously' might work better ... + we will want an ordering - done in a spreadsheet or somesuch later, post initial 'want to mentor' deadline. * UX Update (Kendy) + missed the meeting last friday. * Crashtest update (Caolan) + ? import failures, ? export failures, ? coverity ? + missing the Caolan. * Hackfests (Bjoern) + next venues / suggestions + Gran Canaria hack-fest (Thorsten) + April 6-9th variously 7th/8th is the core. + Plan is to craft it according to the Japanese Mini-Conference, with a broader local community appeal https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Events/LibreOffice_Espania_Summit + announced on Spanish list (janI) + Ankara, Turkey + April 30th - May 1st. + https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Hackfest/Ankara2016 + plan do an overview talk on Friday (Michael) + Germany, Munich, LiMux; End of May 2016 (Jan-Marek) + Orga: https://wiki.debian.org/BSP/2016/05/de/Munich + 27-29 May (parallel to the Debian Sun Camp) * Mentoring Update (JanI) + gerrit: 207 open patches of which 139 can be merged if no open comments 129 from contributors of which 81 can be merged if no open comments + please review people's patches. + We badly need to get easyhacks evaluated and commented or merged + important for GSOC + good to work from earliest submitted (Thorsten) + had a busy GSoC week + been 'ignoring' proposals for other mentors (only admins can do that) + After IRC discussion, started to abandon "impossible" patches imidiatly + This is not done lightly and only after consulting at least 1 other developer + Preparations for Gran Canary hack-fest + Get the community involved in QA work + 300 open non-easy-hack bugs with patches on them (Bjoern) + filed an easy hack to get a list of these. * lcov stuck since 2016-02-28 (Bjoern) + Do we have a SPoF there ? + Can we get at least one or two TDF infra guy able to kick it back in service ? + some update broke lcov. + not stuck, building religiously (Norbert) + but NSSupgrade missing some linking argument. + some tests running - when linked, don't have CFLAGS/LDFLAGS + can we use system-nss (Michael S) AI: + switch lcov profile to system-nss (Norbert) + Jenkins used for this (Norbert) + would like sysadmin oversight (Bjoern) + should it spam people as/when it fails ? + there is the ML for Jenkins failed builds (Stephan) + never seen the lcov bits there. * Commit Access * Developer Certification (Stephan/Bjoern/Kendy/Thorsten) + pending next cycle: after GSOC storm. + quarterly ? (Thorsten) + not hyper-urgent ? (Stephan) * Jenkins / CI update (Norbert) from:Thu Mar 24 13:13:28 2016 master linux rel jobs: 135 ok: 126 ko: 7 fail ratio: 5.19 % break: 5 broken duration: 3.59% master linux dbg jobs: 105 ok: 102 ko: 2 fail ratio: 1.90 % break: 2 broken duration: 0.23% master mac rel jobs: 130 ok: 127 ko: 3 fail ratio: 2.31 % break: 2 broken duration: 0.98% master mac dbg jobs: 131 ok: 128 ko: 3 fail ratio: 2.29 % break: 2 broken duration: 3.88% master win rel jobs: 112 ok: 106 ko: 6 fail ratio: 5.36 % break: 2 broken duration: 1.34% master win dbg jobs: 112 ok: 104 ko: 8 fail ratio: 7.14 % break: 3 broken duration: 3.10% master win64 dbg jobs: 117 ok: 108 ko: 9 fail ratio: 7.69 % break: 4 broken duration: 4.22% lo-5.0 mac jobs: 6 ok: 6 ko: 0 fail ratio: 0.00 % break: 0 broken duration: 0.00% lo-5.1 mac jobs: 10 ok: 10 ko: 0 fail ratio: 0.00 % break: 0 broken duration: 0.00% gerrit win rel jobs: 246 ok: 203 ko: 41 fail ratio:16.67% gerrit lin rel jobs: 247 ok: 212 ko: 35 fail ratio:14.17% gerrit mac rel jobs: 245 ok: 223 ko: 22 fail ratio: 8.98% gerrit all jobs: 246 ok: 178 ko: 64 fail ratio:26.02% nice numbers; a good week: few borkage and fixed quickly overall... we are within reach of an all green week. * Easy Hacks (JanI) + total 299: 274 waiting for contributor, 21 Assigned to contributors, 4 need info needsDevEval 422 needs to be evaluated cleanup: 231 has more than 4 comments, 230 needs to be reviewed + new last 8 days: https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=98969 mentor:bjoern.michaelsen -> "Find forgotten closed bugs" https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=98893 mentor:markus.mohrhard -> "Remove expensive calls to GetCellType + GetValue/GetString/... in calc" + create your own by updating Keywords to eg. "easyHack, difficultyBeginner, skillCpp, topicCleanup" + please remember, a code pointer is mandatory, and typically a look from an experienced developer + create new easy hacks from these proposed ones (or remove the Keyword "needsDevEval" if not feasible): https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/buglist.cgi?keywords=needsDevEval * QA update (Robinson) + UNCONFIRMED: 692 + enhancements: 65 + in ux-advise: 33 + needAdvice at 29 + Most Pressing Bugs: http://tdf.io/mostressingbugs + tdf#98989 - tables not rendering + Windows regression + looking forward to a bibisect result. + tdf#89034 - OS X: Text not being justified in Persian and other RTL languages + Persists as Common issue -> lots of duplicates + Mail merge regressions (Bjoern) + http://tdf.io/mmregressions (9 open; 8 open last meeting) + JMux' branch was merged + worth re-testing / closing fixed bugs now ? + asked for bisect & it was marked fixed (Miklos) + can QA look at them again ? + First 5.2 BH session planed for the 22nd of April + just one day - Friday; to see if that works better. + regression stats looking good + related to the triage backlog ? (Michael) + perhaps (Robinson) + had a drive on reviewing regressions (Bjoern) * QA stats + https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/page.cgi?id=weekly-bug-summary.html +136 -100 (+36 overall) many thanks to the top bug squashers: Buovjaga 13 Markus Mohrhard 8 V Stuart Foote 8 Cor Nouws 7 Björn Michaelsen 5 raal 5 Adolfo Jayme 5 Miklos Vajna 4 Timur 4 Joel Madero 3 Kevin Suo 3 Usama 2 Eike Rathke 2 Julien Nabet 2 Michael Meeks 2 * Highest-Priority bugs (aka "MABs"): 5.2: 3/8 - 37% +1 5.1: 2/26 - 7% +0 5.0: 7/52 - 13% -2 4.4: 9/72 - 12% +0 4.3: 5/68 - 7% +0 4.2: 10/133 - 7% +0 4.1: 4/79 - 5% +0 4.0: 9/81 - 11% +0 old: 38/249 - 15% +0 * Bibisected bugs open: whiteboard 'bibisected' + 391/1307 399/1305 404/1297 406/1292 412/1284 408/1277 403/1260 + http://tdf.io/bibibugs * all bugs tagged with 'regression' + 763(-10) bugs open of 4802(+4) total 26(-2) high prio. * ~Component count net * high severity regressions Calc - 10 (-1) Writer - 8 (-1) LibreOffice - 4 (+0) Base - 2 (+0) Extensions - 1 (+0) Impress - 1 (+0) + http://tdf.io/regressionscritical * ~Component count net * all regressions Writer - 235 (-7) Calc - 159 (-7) LibreOffice - 56 (+0) Crashes - 50 (-1) Impress - 46 (+0) UI - 42 (+1) graphics stack - 36 (+0) Base - 34 (+0) Borders - 32 (+0) Draw - 27 (+1) filters and storage - 22 (+0) Chart - 14 (+0) BASIC - 15 (+1) Printing and PDF export- 11 (+1) Formula Editor - 7 (+0) Linguistic - 4 (+0) Extensions - 3 (+0) framework - 2 (+1) Installation - 2 (+0) sdk - 1 (+0) + http://tdf.io/allregressions
-- michael.me...@collabora.com <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot _______________________________________________ LibreOffice mailing list LibreOffice@lists.freedesktop.org https://lists.freedesktop.org/mailman/listinfo/libreoffice