Le 25/09/11 22:25, Ferry Toth a écrit :

Hi Ferry, all,

>     - same for Mysql (this I am not sure of)

I have now built the mysql native connector with master branch source
for Mac OSX and Linux 32bit (Xbuntu Natty). They are available for
download on the Extensions beta web site.

Whilst both connectors work on my 2 different build machines, I have had
feedback from one person that the 32bit Linux build OXT will not install
on their 32bit system (*buntu 10.04). I'll have to look into that in
more detail, as I don't know whether it is a library version issue or a
packaging issue, or something specific to the fact that I did a make
dev-install on my build machine instead of a standard make install
(don't know enough about the workings of the build process to say,
especially the packaging bits). *buntu seems to use libmysqlcppconn as
the library for building, whereas on Mac I used the C library provided
by MySQL.

> Right now the Lo Extension Center seems to be in testing, so hopefully
> the situation will improve (for Windows user especially).

I have no build environment for Windows, and no real desire to set one
up. It is still challenging enough for me getting the source to build
regularly on Mac, on  my Xbuntu Linux box, things seem to be a little
bit easier.


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