Hi Xipeng Song,

On Thu, 2016-03-10 at 10:29 +0800, xipeng wrote:
>     I suspect that the browser may support IME, just after switching
> Chinese input do not know how to obtain the return of the unicode
> code.

        Sure - exactly; so - we need a way of injection not just key-codes into
the text - but full UTF-8 / unicode strings as produced by the IME. In
gtk+ language that's an IM commit - and the internal event is
SALEVENT_EXTTEXTINPUT - almost certainly we would want to simulate that
internally. Wrt. the IME popup windows, and so on I'd hope we can
overlay that in the browser at the cursor point.

>     I imagine "Map.Keyboard.js" is the implementation of the event for
> the English/Western char input. 


>     We hope our efforts can bring some convenience to people's lives.

        Sure - thanks for digging into this.

        If you can get the javascript side to work nicely for you (with the IME
pieces) and give us a clean UTF-8 string - I'd be happy to implement the
"commit" piece on the protocol / server side.

        Does that make sense ?



 michael.me...@collabora.com  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

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