Le 23/09/11 06:29, Norbert Thiebaud a écrit :

Hi Norbert,

First, thanks for your tips.

> 1/ building mozilla... so --disable-mozilla is a great first step,
> next is probably to use the prebuilt binary for mozilla.

I do both of those as standard.

> 2/ having macports of finks packages getting in the way: ironically
> many times macports/fink installed version of common tools/libs get in
> the way of the SDK, so making sure that your build env does not see
> these macport/fink packages if any  is a good thing.

On my Macbook I have ports installed because I use some/much of the
software that comes with it and find it very useful. It has caused
problems in the past with the LibO build, but this seems to have settled
down after I removed the offending libraries. On the OSX server machine,
the installation is virgin, i.e. I have no ports or fink stuff installed
on top, and yet the build keeps bombing in postprocess, telling me it
can't find bfmigrate_filter.component, yet this is present in
/source/bf_migrate/. Perhaps it is linked to the open file number limit
you mention below.

> Recently I've had issues with ulimit... especially ulimit -n (max
> number of open files). my system defaulted to 256 which prove to be
> too low, which made offapi and similar idlc processing module fail.
> on my box I added in /etc/launchd,conf
> limit maxproc 1024 2000
> limit maxfiles 2048 4096
> note that I have in /etc/sysctl.conf
> [...]
> kern.maxfiles=65536
> kern.maxproc=2068
> kern.maxprocperuid=2068

Thanks for the tips, I will try them out.


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