Hi all,

Final patch, now in one file :)

Following problems are already in current LibO version and not caused by my patch:
*Import of xls looses values of non-automatic fields
*Import of xlsx sets the kind to "automatic" although they were explicitly set in Excel *Export to xlsx sets the kind to "automatic" although they are explicitly set in LibO.
*Export to xlsx contains parts, which Excel think they must be "repaired"

This patch is also attached to https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=34431. It solves that issue partly. It is not possible to have "filled" and "unfilled" glyphs for the same "named symbol". So the feature "unfilled" has to be implemented using the area property. This would result in a larger rework including new design of the dialog. Therefore the patch adds only the missing symbols without touching filling.

Kind regards
From f013e3d3c9d26a37e0e4948f2d6069c07eb895d7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Regina Henschel <rb.hensc...@t-online.de>
Date: Fri, 9 Sep 2011 15:02:34 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Add missing chart data point ODF1.2 standard symbols

 .../chartapiwrapper/WrappedSymbolProperties.cxx    |    2 +-
 chart2/source/view/main/ShapeFactory.cxx           |  323 ++++++++++++++++++++
 cui/source/tabpages/tpline.cxx                     |   37 ++-
 oox/source/drawingml/chart/typegroupconverter.cxx  |   12 +-
 sc/source/filter/excel/xlchart.cxx                 |   22 +-
 xmloff/inc/xmloff/xmltoken.hxx                     |    6 +
 xmloff/source/chart/XMLSymbolTypePropertyHdl.cxx   |    7 +
 xmloff/source/core/xmltoken.cxx                    |    6 +
 xmloff/source/transform/StyleOASISTContext.cxx     |   14 +
 xmloff/source/transform/StyleOOoTContext.cxx       |   21 ++
 10 files changed, 429 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-)

diff --git 
index 5707a0a..97d3156 100644
--- a/chart2/source/controller/chartapiwrapper/WrappedSymbolProperties.cxx
+++ b/chart2/source/controller/chartapiwrapper/WrappedSymbolProperties.cxx
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ sal_Int32 lcl_getSymbolType( const 
::com::sun::star::chart2::Symbol& rSymbol )
             nSymbol = ::com::sun::star::chart::ChartSymbolType::AUTO;
         case chart2::SymbolStyle_STANDARD:
-            nSymbol = rSymbol.StandardSymbol%8;
+            nSymbol = rSymbol.StandardSymbol%15;
         case chart2::SymbolStyle_POLYGON://new feature
             nSymbol = ::com::sun::star::chart::ChartSymbolType::AUTO;
diff --git a/chart2/source/view/main/ShapeFactory.cxx 
index e152c47..dc06eba 100644
--- a/chart2/source/view/main/ShapeFactory.cxx
+++ b/chart2/source/view/main/ShapeFactory.cxx
@@ -1263,6 +1263,13 @@ enum SymbolType { SYMBOL_SQUARE=0
                  , SYMBOL_ARROW_LEFT
                  , SYMBOL_BOWTIE
                  , SYMBOL_SANDGLASS
+                 , SYMBOL_CIRCLE
+                 , SYMBOL_STAR
+                 , SYMBOL_X
+                 , SYMBOL_PLUS
+                 , SYMBOL_ASTERISK
+                 , SYMBOL_HORIZONTAL_BAR
+                 , SYMBOL_VERTICAL_BAR
                  , SYMBOL_COUNT
@@ -1286,6 +1293,9 @@ drawing::PolyPolygonShape3D createPolyPolygon_Symbol( 
const drawing::Position3D&
     const double fWidthH  = rSize.DirectionX/2.0; //fWidthH stands for Half 
     const double fHeightH = rSize.DirectionY/2.0; //fHeightH stands for Half 
+    double fMaxSize = fHeightH > fWidthH ? fHeightH : fWidthH; //assumes non 
+    const sal_Int32 nQuarterCount = 35; // points inside a quadrant, used in 
case circle
     sal_Int32 nPointCount = 4; //all arrow symbols only need 4 points
     switch( eSymbolType )
@@ -1293,8 +1303,25 @@ drawing::PolyPolygonShape3D createPolyPolygon_Symbol( 
const drawing::Position3D&
         case SYMBOL_DIAMOND:
         case SYMBOL_BOWTIE:
         case SYMBOL_SANDGLASS:
+        case SYMBOL_VERTICAL_BAR:
             nPointCount = 5;
+        case SYMBOL_X:
+            nPointCount = 13;
+            break;
+        case SYMBOL_PLUS:
+            nPointCount = 13;
+            break;
+        case SYMBOL_STAR:
+            nPointCount = 9;
+            break;
+        case SYMBOL_ASTERISK:
+            nPointCount = 19;
+            break;
+        case SYMBOL_CIRCLE:
+            nPointCount = 5 + 4 * nQuarterCount;
+            break;
@@ -1323,6 +1350,24 @@ drawing::PolyPolygonShape3D createPolyPolygon_Symbol( 
const drawing::Position3D&
+        case SYMBOL_SQUARE:
+        {
+            *pInnerSequenceX++ = fX-fWidthH;
+            *pInnerSequenceY++ = fY-fHeightH;
+            *pInnerSequenceX++ = fX-fWidthH;
+            *pInnerSequenceY++ = fY+fHeightH;
+            *pInnerSequenceX++ = fX+fWidthH;
+            *pInnerSequenceY++ = fY+fHeightH;
+            *pInnerSequenceX++ = fX+fWidthH;
+            *pInnerSequenceY++ = fY-fHeightH;
+            *pInnerSequenceX++ = fX-fWidthH;
+            *pInnerSequenceY++ = fY-fHeightH;
+            break;
+        }
         case SYMBOL_ARROW_UP:
             *pInnerSequenceX++ = fX-fWidthH;
@@ -1438,6 +1483,284 @@ drawing::PolyPolygonShape3D createPolyPolygon_Symbol( 
const drawing::Position3D&
             *pInnerSequenceY++ = fY;
+        {
+            *pInnerSequenceX++ = fX-fWidthH;
+            *pInnerSequenceY++ = fY-0.2*fHeightH;
+            *pInnerSequenceX++ = fX+fWidthH;
+            *pInnerSequenceY++ = fY-0.2*fHeightH;
+            *pInnerSequenceX++ = fX+fWidthH;
+            *pInnerSequenceY++ = fY+0.2*fHeightH;
+            *pInnerSequenceX++ = fX-fWidthH;
+            *pInnerSequenceY++ = fY+0.2*fHeightH;
+            *pInnerSequenceX++ = fX-fWidthH;
+            *pInnerSequenceY++ = fY-0.2*fHeightH;
+            break;
+        }
+        case SYMBOL_VERTICAL_BAR:
+        {
+            *pInnerSequenceX++ = fX-0.2*fWidthH;
+            *pInnerSequenceY++ = fY-fHeightH;
+            *pInnerSequenceX++ = fX+0.2*fWidthH;
+            *pInnerSequenceY++ = fY-fHeightH;
+            *pInnerSequenceX++ = fX+0.2*fWidthH;
+            *pInnerSequenceY++ = fY+fHeightH;
+            *pInnerSequenceX++ = fX-0.2*fWidthH;
+            *pInnerSequenceY++ = fY+fHeightH;
+            *pInnerSequenceX++ = fX-0.2*fWidthH;
+            *pInnerSequenceY++ = fY-fHeightH;
+            break;
+        }
+        case SYMBOL_CIRCLE:
+        {
+            double fOmega = 1.5707963267948966192 / (nQuarterCount + 1.0);
+            // one point in the middle of each edge to get full size bounding 
+            *pInnerSequenceX++ = fX + fWidthH;
+            *pInnerSequenceY++ = fY;
+            // 0 to PI/2
+            for (sal_Int32 i = 1; i <= nQuarterCount; ++i)
+            {
+                *pInnerSequenceX++ = fX + fWidthH * cos( i * fOmega );
+                *pInnerSequenceY++ = fY - fHeightH * sin( i * fOmega );
+            }
+            // PI/2 to PI
+            *pInnerSequenceX++ = fX;
+            *pInnerSequenceY++ = fY - fHeightH;
+            for (sal_Int32 i = 1; i <= nQuarterCount; ++i)
+            {
+                *pInnerSequenceX++ = fX - fWidthH * sin( i * fOmega);
+                *pInnerSequenceY++ = fY - fHeightH * cos( i * fOmega);
+            }
+            // PI to 3/2*PI
+            *pInnerSequenceX++ = fX - fWidthH;
+            *pInnerSequenceY++ = fY;
+            for (sal_Int32 i = 1; i <= nQuarterCount; ++i)
+            {
+                *pInnerSequenceX++ = fX - fWidthH * cos( i * fOmega);
+                *pInnerSequenceY++ = fY + fHeightH * sin( i * fOmega);
+            }
+            // 3/2*PI to 2*PI
+            *pInnerSequenceX++ = fX;
+            *pInnerSequenceY++ = fY + fHeightH;
+            for (sal_Int32 i = 1; i <= nQuarterCount; ++i)
+            {
+                *pInnerSequenceX++ = fX + fWidthH * sin(i * fOmega);
+                *pInnerSequenceY++ = fY + fHeightH * cos(i * fOmega);
+            }
+            // close polygon
+            *pInnerSequenceX++ = fX + fWidthH;
+            *pInnerSequenceY++ = fY;
+            break;
+        }
+        case SYMBOL_STAR:
+        {
+            *pInnerSequenceX++ = fX;
+            *pInnerSequenceY++ = fY-fHeightH;
+            *pInnerSequenceX++ = fX+0.2*fWidthH;
+            *pInnerSequenceY++ = fY-0.2*fHeightH;
+            *pInnerSequenceX++ = fX+fWidthH;
+            *pInnerSequenceY++ = fY;
+            *pInnerSequenceX++ = fX+0.2*fWidthH;
+            *pInnerSequenceY++ = fY+0.2*fHeightH;
+            *pInnerSequenceX++ = fX;
+            *pInnerSequenceY++ = fY+fHeightH;
+            *pInnerSequenceX++ = fX-0.2*fWidthH;
+            *pInnerSequenceY++ = fY+0.2*fHeightH;
+            *pInnerSequenceX++ = fX-fWidthH;
+            *pInnerSequenceY++ = fY;
+            *pInnerSequenceX++ = fX-0.2*fWidthH;
+            *pInnerSequenceY++ = fY-0.2*fHeightH;
+            *pInnerSequenceX++ = fX;
+            *pInnerSequenceY++ = fY-fHeightH;
+            break;
+        }
+        case SYMBOL_X:
+        {
+            const double fScaleX = fWidthH / 128.0;
+            const double fScaleY = fHeightH / 128.0;
+            const double fSmall = sqrt(200.0);
+            const double fLarge = 128.0 - fSmall;
+            *pInnerSequenceX++ = fX;
+            *pInnerSequenceY++ = fY - fScaleY * fSmall;
+            *pInnerSequenceX++ = fX - fScaleX * fLarge;
+            *pInnerSequenceY++ = fY - fHeightH;
+            *pInnerSequenceX++ = fX - fWidthH;
+            *pInnerSequenceY++ = fY - fScaleY * fLarge;
+            *pInnerSequenceX++ = fX - fScaleX * fSmall;
+            *pInnerSequenceY++ = fY;
+            *pInnerSequenceX++ = fX - fWidthH;
+            *pInnerSequenceY++ = fY + fScaleY * fLarge;
+            *pInnerSequenceX++ = fX - fScaleX * fLarge;
+            *pInnerSequenceY++ = fY + fHeightH;
+            *pInnerSequenceX++ = fX;
+            *pInnerSequenceY++ = fY + fScaleY * fSmall;
+            *pInnerSequenceX++ = fX + fScaleX * fLarge;
+            *pInnerSequenceY++ = fY + fHeightH;
+            *pInnerSequenceX++ = fX + fWidthH;
+            *pInnerSequenceY++ = fY + fScaleY * fLarge;
+            *pInnerSequenceX++ = fX + fScaleX * fSmall;
+            *pInnerSequenceY++ = fY;
+            *pInnerSequenceX++ = fX + fWidthH;
+            *pInnerSequenceY++ = fY - fScaleY * fLarge;
+            *pInnerSequenceX++ = fX + fScaleX * fLarge;
+            *pInnerSequenceY++ = fY - fHeightH;
+            *pInnerSequenceX++ = fX;
+            *pInnerSequenceY++ = fY - fScaleY * fSmall;
+            break;
+        }
+        case SYMBOL_PLUS:
+        {
+            const double fScaleX = fWidthH / 128.0;
+            const double fScaleY = fHeightH / 128.0;
+            const double fHalf = 10.0; //half line width on 256 size square
+            const double fdX = fScaleX * fHalf;
+            const double fdY = fScaleY * fHalf;
+            *pInnerSequenceX++ = fX-fdX;
+            *pInnerSequenceY++ = fY-fHeightH;
+            *pInnerSequenceX++ = fX-fdX;
+            *pInnerSequenceY++ = fY-fdY;
+            *pInnerSequenceX++ = fX-fWidthH;
+            *pInnerSequenceY++ = fY-fdY;
+            *pInnerSequenceX++ = fX-fWidthH;
+            *pInnerSequenceY++ = fY+fdY;
+            *pInnerSequenceX++ = fX-fdX;
+            *pInnerSequenceY++ = fY+fdY;
+            *pInnerSequenceX++ = fX-fdX;
+            *pInnerSequenceY++ = fY+fHeightH;
+            *pInnerSequenceX++ = fX+fdX;
+            *pInnerSequenceY++ = fY+fHeightH;
+            *pInnerSequenceX++ = fX+fdX;
+            *pInnerSequenceY++ = fY+fdY;
+            *pInnerSequenceX++ = fX+fWidthH;
+            *pInnerSequenceY++ = fY+fdY;
+            *pInnerSequenceX++ = fX+fWidthH;
+            *pInnerSequenceY++ = fY-fdY;
+            *pInnerSequenceX++ = fX+fdX;
+            *pInnerSequenceY++ = fY-fdY;
+            *pInnerSequenceX++ = fX+fdY;
+            *pInnerSequenceY++ = fY-fHeightH;
+            *pInnerSequenceX++ = fX-fdX;
+            *pInnerSequenceY++ = fY-fHeightH;
+            break;
+        }
+        case SYMBOL_ASTERISK:
+        {
+            const double fHalf = 10.0; // half line width on 256 size square
+            const double fTwoY = fHalf * sqrt(3.0);
+            const double fFourY = (128.0 - 2.0 * fHalf ) / sqrt(3.0);
+            const double fThreeX = 128.0 - fHalf;
+            const double fThreeY = fHalf * sqrt(3.0) + fFourY;
+            const double fFiveX = 2.0 * fHalf;
+            const double fScaleX = fWidthH / 128.0;
+            const double fScaleY = fHeightH / 128.0;
+            //1
+            *pInnerSequenceX++ = fX-fScaleX * fHalf;
+            *pInnerSequenceY++ = fY-fHeightH;
+            //2
+            *pInnerSequenceX++ = fX-fScaleX * fHalf;
+            *pInnerSequenceY++ = fY-fScaleY * fTwoY;
+            //3
+            *pInnerSequenceX++ = fX-fScaleX * fThreeX;
+            *pInnerSequenceY++ = fY-fScaleY * fThreeY;
+            //4
+            *pInnerSequenceX++ = fX-fWidthH;
+            *pInnerSequenceY++ = fY-fScaleY * fFourY;
+            //5
+            *pInnerSequenceX++ = fX-fScaleX * fFiveX;
+            *pInnerSequenceY++ = fY;
+            //6 as 4
+            *pInnerSequenceX++ = fX-fWidthH;
+            *pInnerSequenceY++ = fY+fScaleY * fFourY;
+            //7 as 3
+            *pInnerSequenceX++ = fX-fScaleX * fThreeX;
+            *pInnerSequenceY++ = fY+fScaleY * fThreeY;
+            //8 as 2
+            *pInnerSequenceX++ = fX-fScaleX * fHalf;
+            *pInnerSequenceY++ = fY+fScaleY * fTwoY;
+            //9 as 1
+            *pInnerSequenceX++ = fX-fScaleX * fHalf;
+            *pInnerSequenceY++ = fY+fHeightH;
+            //10 as 1
+            *pInnerSequenceX++ = fX+fScaleX * fHalf;
+            *pInnerSequenceY++ = fY+fHeightH;
+            //11 as 2
+            *pInnerSequenceX++ = fX+fScaleX * fHalf;
+            *pInnerSequenceY++ = fY+fScaleY * fTwoY;
+            //12 as 3
+            *pInnerSequenceX++ = fX+fScaleX * fThreeX;
+            *pInnerSequenceY++ = fY+fScaleY * fThreeY;
+            //13 as 4
+            *pInnerSequenceX++ = fX+fWidthH;
+            *pInnerSequenceY++ = fY+fScaleY * fFourY;
+            //14 as 5
+            *pInnerSequenceX++ = fX+fScaleX * fFiveX;
+            *pInnerSequenceY++ = fY;
+            //15 as 4
+            *pInnerSequenceX++ = fX+fWidthH;
+            *pInnerSequenceY++ = fY-fScaleY * fFourY;
+            //16 as 3
+            *pInnerSequenceX++ = fX+fScaleX * fThreeX;
+            *pInnerSequenceY++ = fY-fScaleY * fThreeY;
+            //17 as 2
+            *pInnerSequenceX++ = fX+fScaleX * fHalf;
+            *pInnerSequenceY++ = fY-fScaleY * fTwoY;
+            // 18 as 1
+            *pInnerSequenceX++ = fX+fScaleX * fHalf;
+            *pInnerSequenceY++ = fY-fHeightH;
+            // 19 = 1, closing
+            *pInnerSequenceX++ = fX-fScaleX * fHalf;
+            *pInnerSequenceY++ = fY-fHeightH;
+            break;
+        }
         default: //case SYMBOL_SQUARE:
             *pInnerSequenceX++ = fX-fWidthH;
diff --git a/cui/source/tabpages/tpline.cxx b/cui/source/tabpages/tpline.cxx
index 2b44a9e..b6825b9 100644
--- a/cui/source/tabpages/tpline.cxx
+++ b/cui/source/tabpages/tpline.cxx
@@ -910,8 +910,6 @@ void SvxLineTabPage::Reset( const SfxItemSet& rAttrs )
-                    pPage->NbcInsertObject(pObj);
-                    pView->MarkObj(pObj,pPageView);
@@ -920,17 +918,31 @@ void SvxLineTabPage::Reset( const SfxItemSet& rAttrs )
+                    pPage->NbcInsertObject(pObj);
+                    // Generate invisible square to give all symbol types a
+                    // bitmap size, which is indepedent from specific glyph
+                    SdrObject *pInvisibleSquare=pSymbolList->GetObj(0);
+                    pInvisibleSquare=pInvisibleSquare->Clone();
+                    pPage->NbcInsertObject(pInvisibleSquare);
+                    pView->MarkAll();
                     GDIMetaFile aMeta(pView->GetAllMarkedMetaFile());
-                    aSymbolGraphic.SetPrefSize(aSymbolSize);
+                    pInvisibleSquare=pPage->RemoveObject(1);
+                    SdrObject::Free( pInvisibleSquare);
                     SdrObject::Free( pObj );
@@ -957,12 +969,12 @@ void SvxLineTabPage::Reset( const SfxItemSet& rAttrs )
         aSymbolSize = ((const SvxSizeItem *)pPoolItem)->GetSize();
@@ -1537,6 +1549,15 @@ IMPL_LINK( SvxLineTabPage, MenuCreateHdl_Impl, 
MenuButton *, pButton )
         PopupMenu* pPopup = new PopupMenu;
         String aEmptyStr;
+        // Generate invisible square to give all symbols a
+        // bitmap size, which is indepedent from specific glyph
+        SdrObject *pInvisibleSquare=pSymbolList->GetObj(0);
+        pInvisibleSquare=pInvisibleSquare->Clone();
+        pPage->NbcInsertObject(pInvisibleSquare);
+        pInvisibleSquare->SetMergedItem(XFillTransparenceItem(100));
+        pInvisibleSquare->SetMergedItem(XLineTransparenceItem(100));
         for(long i=0;; ++i)
             SdrObject *pObj=pSymbolList->GetObj(i);
@@ -1545,7 +1566,6 @@ IMPL_LINK( SvxLineTabPage, MenuCreateHdl_Impl, MenuButton 
*, pButton )
-            pView->MarkObj(pObj,pPageView);
@@ -1554,11 +1574,11 @@ IMPL_LINK( SvxLineTabPage, MenuCreateHdl_Impl, 
MenuButton *, pButton )
+            pView->MarkAll();
             Bitmap aBitmap(pView->GetAllMarkedBitmap());
             GDIMetaFile aMeta(pView->GetAllMarkedMetaFile());
-            pObj=pPage->RemoveObject(0);
+            pObj=pPage->RemoveObject(1);
             SvxBrushItem* pBrushItem = new SvxBrushItem(Graphic(aMeta), 
@@ -1585,6 +1605,9 @@ IMPL_LINK( SvxLineTabPage, MenuCreateHdl_Impl, MenuButton 
*, pButton )
             Image aImage(aBitmap);
+        pInvisibleSquare=pPage->RemoveObject(0);
+        SdrObject::Free(pInvisibleSquare);
         aSymbolMB.GetPopupMenu()->SetPopupMenu( MN_SYMBOLS, pPopup );
diff --git a/oox/source/drawingml/chart/typegroupconverter.cxx 
index 5dba350..3924694 100644
--- a/oox/source/drawingml/chart/typegroupconverter.cxx
+++ b/oox/source/drawingml/chart/typegroupconverter.cxx
@@ -451,19 +451,19 @@ void TypeGroupConverter::convertMarker( PropertySet& 
rPropSet, sal_Int32 nOoxSym
         // symbol style
         cssc::Symbol aSymbol;
         aSymbol.Style = cssc::SymbolStyle_STANDARD;
-        switch( nOoxSymbol )
+        switch( nOoxSymbol ) // compare with 
XclChPropSetHelper::WriteMarkerProperties in xlchart.cxx
             case XML_auto:      aSymbol.Style = cssc::SymbolStyle_AUTO; break;
             case XML_none:      aSymbol.Style = cssc::SymbolStyle_NONE; break;
             case XML_square:    aSymbol.StandardSymbol = 0;             break; 
 // square
             case XML_diamond:   aSymbol.StandardSymbol = 1;             break; 
 // diamond
             case XML_triangle:  aSymbol.StandardSymbol = 3;             break; 
 // arrow up
-            case XML_x:         aSymbol.StandardSymbol = 6;             break; 
 // bow tie
-            case XML_star:      aSymbol.StandardSymbol = 7;             break; 
 // sand glass
+            case XML_x:         aSymbol.StandardSymbol = 10;            break; 
 // X, legacy bow tie
+            case XML_star:      aSymbol.StandardSymbol = 12;            break; 
 // asterisk, legacy sand glass
             case XML_dot:       aSymbol.StandardSymbol = 4;             break; 
 // arrow right
-            case XML_dash:      aSymbol.StandardSymbol = 2;             break; 
 // arrow down
-            case XML_circle:    aSymbol.StandardSymbol = 4;             break; 
 // arrow right
-            case XML_plus:      aSymbol.StandardSymbol = 5;             break; 
 // arrow left
+            case XML_dash:      aSymbol.StandardSymbol = 13;            break; 
 // horizontal bar, legacy arrow down
+            case XML_circle:    aSymbol.StandardSymbol = 8;             break; 
 // circle, legacy arrow right
+            case XML_plus:      aSymbol.StandardSymbol = 11;            break; 
 // plus, legacy arrow left
         // symbol size (points in OOXML, 1/100 mm in Chart2)
diff --git a/sc/source/filter/excel/xlchart.cxx 
index 6a71736..bffe9ae 100644
--- a/sc/source/filter/excel/xlchart.cxx
+++ b/sc/source/filter/excel/xlchart.cxx
@@ -944,10 +944,17 @@ void XclChPropSetHelper::ReadMarkerProperties(
                     case 1:     rMarkerFmt.mnMarkerType = 
EXC_CHMARKERFORMAT_DIAMOND;   break;  // diamond
                     case 2:     rMarkerFmt.mnMarkerType = 
EXC_CHMARKERFORMAT_STDDEV;    break;  // arrow down
                     case 3:     rMarkerFmt.mnMarkerType = 
-                    case 4:     rMarkerFmt.mnMarkerType = 
EXC_CHMARKERFORMAT_CIRCLE;    break;  // arrow right
+                    case 4:     rMarkerFmt.mnMarkerType = 
EXC_CHMARKERFORMAT_DOWJ;      break;  // arrow right, same as import
                     case 5:     rMarkerFmt.mnMarkerType = 
EXC_CHMARKERFORMAT_PLUS;      break;  // arrow left
                     case 6:     rMarkerFmt.mnMarkerType = 
EXC_CHMARKERFORMAT_CROSS;     break;  // bow tie
                     case 7:     rMarkerFmt.mnMarkerType = 
EXC_CHMARKERFORMAT_STAR;      break;  // sand glass
+                    case 8:     rMarkerFmt.mnMarkerType = 
EXC_CHMARKERFORMAT_CIRCLE;    break;  // circle new in LibO3.5
+                    case 9:     rMarkerFmt.mnMarkerType = 
EXC_CHMARKERFORMAT_DIAMOND;   break;  // star new in LibO3.5
+                    case 10:    rMarkerFmt.mnMarkerType = 
EXC_CHMARKERFORMAT_CROSS;     break;  // X new in LibO3.5
+                    case 11:    rMarkerFmt.mnMarkerType = 
EXC_CHMARKERFORMAT_PLUS;      break;  // plus new in LibO3.5
+                    case 12:    rMarkerFmt.mnMarkerType = 
EXC_CHMARKERFORMAT_STAR;      break;  // asterisk new in LibO3.5
+                    case 13:    rMarkerFmt.mnMarkerType = 
EXC_CHMARKERFORMAT_STDDEV;    break;  // horizontal bar new in LibO3.5
+                    case 14:    rMarkerFmt.mnMarkerType = 
EXC_CHMARKERFORMAT_STAR;      break;  // vertical bar new in LibO3.5
                     default:    rMarkerFmt.mnMarkerType = 
XclChartHelper::GetAutoMarkerType( nFormatIdx );
@@ -1153,12 +1160,13 @@ void XclChPropSetHelper::WriteMarkerProperties(
         case EXC_CHMARKERFORMAT_SQUARE:     aApiSymbol.StandardSymbol = 0;     
         break;  // square
         case EXC_CHMARKERFORMAT_DIAMOND:    aApiSymbol.StandardSymbol = 1;     
         break;  // diamond
         case EXC_CHMARKERFORMAT_TRIANGLE:   aApiSymbol.StandardSymbol = 3;     
         break;  // arrow up
-        case EXC_CHMARKERFORMAT_CROSS:      aApiSymbol.StandardSymbol = 6;     
         break;  // bow tie
-        case EXC_CHMARKERFORMAT_STAR:       aApiSymbol.StandardSymbol = 7;     
         break;  // sand glass
-        case EXC_CHMARKERFORMAT_DOWJ:       aApiSymbol.StandardSymbol = 4;     
         break;  // arrow right
-        case EXC_CHMARKERFORMAT_STDDEV:     aApiSymbol.StandardSymbol = 2;     
         break;  // arrow down
-        case EXC_CHMARKERFORMAT_CIRCLE:     aApiSymbol.StandardSymbol = 4;     
         break;  // arrow right
-        case EXC_CHMARKERFORMAT_PLUS:       aApiSymbol.StandardSymbol = 5;     
         break;  // arrow left
+        case EXC_CHMARKERFORMAT_CROSS:      aApiSymbol.StandardSymbol = 10;    
         break;  // X, legacy bow tie
+        case EXC_CHMARKERFORMAT_STAR:       aApiSymbol.StandardSymbol = 12;    
         break;  // asterisk, legacy sand glass
+        case EXC_CHMARKERFORMAT_DOWJ:       aApiSymbol.StandardSymbol = 4;     
         break;  // arrow right, same as export
+        case EXC_CHMARKERFORMAT_STDDEV:     aApiSymbol.StandardSymbol = 13;    
         break;  // horizontal bar, legacy arrow down
+        case EXC_CHMARKERFORMAT_CIRCLE:     aApiSymbol.StandardSymbol = 8;     
         break;  // circle, legacy arrow right
+        case EXC_CHMARKERFORMAT_PLUS:       aApiSymbol.StandardSymbol = 11;    
         break;  // plus, legacy arrow left
+        default: break;
     // symbol size
diff --git a/xmloff/inc/xmloff/xmltoken.hxx b/xmloff/inc/xmloff/xmltoken.hxx
index a923f46..746e75d 100644
--- a/xmloff/inc/xmloff/xmltoken.hxx
+++ b/xmloff/inc/xmloff/xmltoken.hxx
@@ -3139,6 +3139,12 @@ namespace xmloff { namespace token {
         XML_MARGIN, // #i117001#
+        // regina, ODF1.2 additional symbols in charts
+        XML_STAR,
+        XML_ASTERISK,
diff --git a/xmloff/source/chart/XMLSymbolTypePropertyHdl.cxx 
index 4eba27e..c284c57 100644
--- a/xmloff/source/chart/XMLSymbolTypePropertyHdl.cxx
+++ b/xmloff/source/chart/XMLSymbolTypePropertyHdl.cxx
@@ -63,6 +63,13 @@ SvXMLSignedEnumMapEntry aXMLChartSymbolNameMap[] =
     { XML_ARROW_LEFT,           5 },
     { XML_BOW_TIE,              6 },
     { XML_HOURGLASS,            7 },
+    { XML_CIRCLE,               8 },
+    { XML_STAR,                 9 },
+    { XML_X,                   10 },
+    { XML_PLUS,                11 },
+    { XML_ASTERISK,            12 },
+    { XML_HORIZONTAL_BAR,      13 },
+    { XML_VERTICAL_BAR,        14 },
     { XML_TOKEN_INVALID,        0 }
diff --git a/xmloff/source/core/xmltoken.cxx b/xmloff/source/core/xmltoken.cxx
index b07e77a..45bcc35 100644
--- a/xmloff/source/core/xmltoken.cxx
+++ b/xmloff/source/core/xmltoken.cxx
@@ -3137,6 +3137,12 @@ namespace xmloff { namespace token {
         TOKEN( "margin", XML_MARGIN),
+        // regina, ODF1.2 additional symbols in charts
+        TOKEN( "star",                         XML_STAR ),
+        TOKEN( "asterisk",                     XML_ASTERISK ),
+        TOKEN( "horizontal-bar",               XML_HORIZONTAL_BAR ),
+        TOKEN( "vertical-bar",                 XML_VERTICAL_BAR ),
         { 0, NULL, NULL,                       XML_TOKEN_END }
diff --git a/xmloff/source/transform/StyleOASISTContext.cxx 
index 2ef42bf..b6e361f 100644
--- a/xmloff/source/transform/StyleOASISTContext.cxx
+++ b/xmloff/source/transform/StyleOASISTContext.cxx
@@ -389,6 +389,20 @@ void XMLPropertiesTContext_Impl::StartElement(
                             nSymbolType = 6;
                         else if( IsXMLToken( rAttrValue, XML_HOURGLASS ))
                             nSymbolType = 7;
+                        else if( IsXMLToken( rAttrValue, XML_CIRCLE ))
+                            nSymbolType = 8;
+                        else if( IsXMLToken( rAttrValue, XML_STAR ))
+                            nSymbolType = 9;
+                        else if( IsXMLToken( rAttrValue, XML_X ))
+                            nSymbolType = 10;
+                        else if( IsXMLToken( rAttrValue, XML_PLUS ))
+                            nSymbolType = 11;
+                        else if( IsXMLToken( rAttrValue, XML_ASTERISK ))
+                            nSymbolType = 12;
+                        else if( IsXMLToken( rAttrValue, XML_HORIZONTAL_BAR ))
+                            nSymbolType = 13;
+                        else if( IsXMLToken( rAttrValue, XML_VERTICAL_BAR ))
+                            nSymbolType = 14;
                         if( nSymbolType >= 0 )
diff --git a/xmloff/source/transform/StyleOOoTContext.cxx 
index f74ebde..88cff6b 100644
--- a/xmloff/source/transform/StyleOOoTContext.cxx
+++ b/xmloff/source/transform/StyleOOoTContext.cxx
@@ -772,6 +772,27 @@ void XMLPropertiesOOoTContext_Impl::StartElement(
                         case 7:
                             eToken = XML_HOURGLASS;
+                        case 8:
+                            eToken = XML_CIRCLE;
+                            break;
+                        case 9:
+                            eToken = XML_STAR;
+                            break;
+                        case 10:
+                            eToken = XML_X;
+                            break;
+                        case 11:
+                            eToken = XML_PLUS;
+                            break;
+                        case 12:
+                            eToken = XML_ASTERISK;
+                            break;
+                        case 13:
+                            eToken = XML_HORIZONTAL_BAR;
+                            break;
+                        case 14:
+                            eToken = XML_VERTICAL_BAR;
+                            break;
                             OSL_FAIL( "invalid named symbol" );

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