Michael Meeks wrote (07-09-11 17:37)
Playing with the (beautiful) merging fix on master - I was struck by
the apparent reality that calc has broken style application. Load the
attached in master, double click 'Fun' in the style-list - no big/green
madness :-) Try on 3.4.x and it works as expected.
Hopefully it's easy; I have:
And of course, perhaps I've broken my build (its entirely possible I
have some un-committed work).
It's already there for some time.
Oldest build I have here, does show it too:
2011-08-19 Build ID: 35913b9-4eb4f62-260b7c1
more findings:
apply style fun > nothing happens (visible) document is dirty
use bucket, then switch to page styles > no shows, swith to cell
styles > empty too
- Cor
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