Well, as I know for HSQL -- and // are equal, so // is like one line comment in C++. Well,thanks for your work on the other hand :)


2011. 09. 01. 20:15 keltezéssel, Eike Rathke írta:
Hi Jenei,

On Wednesday, 2011-08-31 12:59:06 +0200, Jenei Gábor wrote:

Hello Eike,

I made the changes you said, and I resolved the no linefeed issue
also, I hope it is ok now, and can be pushed, actually for me worked
fine with all types of comments. Also I tried to follow the
principals you said. So, push it if you think there is no need to
correct something.
You're on the right track :-)

First, I have a question because I'm by no means an SQL expert:

+::rtl::OUString delComment(const ::rtl::OUString&  sQuery){
+    for(size_t i=0;i<nQueryLen;i++){
+        if(sCopy[i]=='\"'&&  !bIsText2&&  !bComment) bIsText1=!bIsText1;
+        if(sCopy[i]=='\''&&  !bIsText1&&  !bComment) bIsText2=!bIsText2;
+        if(sCopy[i]=='\n'&&  bComment) bComment=false;
+        if(!bIsText1&&  !bIsText2&&  (i+1)<nQueryLen&&  sCopy[i]=='-'&&  
sCopy[i+1]=='-') bComment=true;
+        if(!bIsText1&&  !bIsText2&&  (i+1)<nQueryLen&&  sCopy[i]=='/'&&  
sCopy[i+1]=='/') bComment=true;
+        if(!bComment) sTemp.append(&sCopy[i],1);
This and the similar loop in getComment() treats also // as comment
leader, I thought only -- is used for "comment until end of line"?
A short web search didn't come up with anything different.

Second, I erred earlier when I talked about the struct with nPos,
I overlooked that doSaveAsDoc() reconstructs the query string with

         sTranslatedStmt = m_xComposer->getComposedQuery();

so actually the resulting sTranslatedStmt may be different from the
original m_sStatement and the positions may not match and your previous
approach with searching for LFs would be needed instead. Sorry for
confusion. Just tell me about the // leader and I'll fix things up for


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