Hi Tor,

On Wednesday, 2011-08-31 23:54:17 -0600, Tor Lillqvist wrote:

> > The attached patch is an attempt to bring some sanity to the situation:
> It seems that you have investigate this quite deeply and I would love
> to commit and push your patch. However, I am a bit scared. Could
> somebody else who actually understands the issues involved have
> a look?

The changes themself look sane, regarding the background Khaled gave and
knowing part of his work from older days I didn't hesitate much to
commit this :)

> > This only done for 'unx' similar work is needed for 'win' and 'aqua',
> > but I'm not familiar with these platforms and can't test on it.
> I wonder if this patch will then introduce significant rendering
> differences between platforms? Or do we have such anyway already (even
> if the same fonts are present)?

Even if it may currently render differently, I think using the correct
font metrics on one system where people complained about it is a step
into the right direction. We use different layout engines on unx,mac,win
and hopefully each system positions glyphs as accurately as possible
when given the right input.

I just had a glance at the win code and it has some "improved metric
compatibility for Asian fonts" and "The line height for Asian fonts is
too small" and "external leading for Asian fonts" comments, which seem
to indicate a similar problem maybe resulting from the same wrong
assumptions. A comment like "The factor 0.3 has been confirmed with
experiments" doesn't give much confidence in the final correctness of
that resolution ;)


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