Hi Kohei

I was trying to make outline numbering in libreoffice more flexible by using
a string to format
numbers based on it. To use some escaped strings to represend number from
different levels.
maybe something like %0 for level 1 number and so on; But ODT standard lacks
for such a field. I would like to know how a new property such as num-prefix
can be included
in ODT standard?

> > How is this made persistent, i.e. stored in a document?
> >
> > It is not persistent yet.
> > I think docx has the property appropriate to use for making it
> persistent,
> > but I know no such a property
> > in odt, it needs addition of some standards in odt.
> > But odt is a standard, can I add any property to it?
> That would have to be proposed to the OASIS ODF TC for inclusion. You'd
> have to find a TC member who works with you on the proposal and submits
> it to the TC. Currently that could be Kohei for LibO.
>  Eike

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