Noel Power wrote (18-08-11 11:16)

For example, bug #40079; it is fixed in master, so I closed it. But
now it shows up as not blocking "LibreOffice 3.4 most annoying bugs"
anymore (it is striked out),

when we want a bug to be fixed in the 3.4 release then we need to get
the patch into the general dev branch associated with 3.4 ( e.g. the
libreoffice-3-4 branch ) and also the release branch e.g.
libreoffice-3-4-3. There are rules though about committing to these
branches. Currently you need the approval of 1 reviewer to commit to the
libreoffice-3-4 branch and the approval of 3 reviewers to commit to the
release branch. I have already pushed the patch to 3.4 and//I already
asked for a review so that this bug can go into libreoffice-3-4-3. It is
a good idea to monitor the mailing list and the information that the
patch was pushed to master, 3.4 and request for approval to commit to
libreoffice-3-4-3 is all under that same thread you started about the
patch for that issue.

This explanation still does not cover the case where a bug ís fixed in master, but not in the release A branch, where it is listed as annoying. Having is stricken out, cause of the fix in master, erroneously gives the impression that it is fixed in the release A.x

 - Cor

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