Just FYI, I'm having problems sending email, I'm CCing myself to 
confirm the message was sent.

I use the _*simplest*_ [RTF / HTML / TAB-delimted] formating to export 
textual data so the End User can open the document in their Word 
Processor, Spreadsheet, or paste the data into an email (whatever they 
are using).

    By _*simplest*_, I mean as much as necessary, but no more than
    necessary*:* utilitarian*.*

Should I be able to _RTF format_ the page count (*_{\info{\nofpages}}_*) 
in a footer using LibreOffice?
I (can / do) not know (and do not care) how many pages there will be 
when creating a text document (whatever paper size and/or margin sizes 
they will be using).
*_\nofpages_* appears to have been documented since _RTF Version 1.0 in 
_*NUMPAGES*_ appears to have been documented since _RTF Version in 1.9 2008_

    It appears that the RTF Spec seems to indicate that a bare-bones
    page footer option could be something like*:* *_{\footer\qc _Page
    X_\_**_chpgn _X of Y_{\info{\nofpages}}_Y\par}* (*\qc* can also be
    \ql or \qr)*
    Can/Should this work in LibreOffice or is this a mis-applaction of
    the RTF Controls?
    Opening such a document shows: Page X*_Page numbers_*X of YY -
    *_Page numbers_* being the text for field code _*Page Number*_

        It is missing the appearence of *_Statistics_* - *_Statistics_*
        being the text for field code *_Page Count_*

            It appears as: Page X*_1_*X of YY - in print preview

        For now, I think it should show: Page X*_Page numbers_*X of

                I put in a bug report to LO to change the text of _Page
                Numbers_ (plural) to _Page Number_ (singular) and the
                text of _Statistics_ to _Page Count_ (FWIW)_

I reverse-enginerred a LibreOffice v. creation and stripped out 
all the fluff and the page footer appears as follows 
(*{{\field{\*\fldinst  NUMPAGES }{\fldrslt 1}}}*):

    {\footer\qc{Page X}{{\field{\*\fldinst  PAGE }{\fldrslt }}}
    {X of Y}
    {{\field{\*\fldinst  NUMPAGES }{\fldrslt 1}}}

        This does show: Page X*_Page numbers_*X of Y*_Statistics_*Y
        This does show: Page X*_1_*X of Y*_1_*Y - in print preview

So I am not hopeless and I can use the page count code in the footer of 
LibreOffice v.

    I was told one time that RTF Version 1.5 was as complicated as
    needed for simple text use: bold, italic, header, footer, and the
    such like.

        Is 'NUMPAGES' backwards compatible to RTF Version 1.5??? (or did
        _{\info{\nofpages}}_ never work anyway)

Please advise.
Thanks, Tracey




RTF Version 1.9.1


Microsoft Technical Support



Rich Text Format (RTF) Specification





278 Pages


03/2008--RTF Specification

Page 37 in the Information Group section:



    Number of pages

Page 143 in the Page Information section:



    Current page number (as in headers).

Page 258 of the index:

\nofpages/N/ ^87


_Information Group 



Tracey wrote:
>> Just curious, why do you ask?
> I want to know what RTF functionality LibreOffice Writer does and does 
> not support. :-)
>     Since the 3 controls were labled as RTF Controls: I suspected that
>     they might be acutal/functional controls, but maybe with
>     typographical errors.
> Many/Most of Microsoft's _RTF Specification Documents_ have numerous 
> technical typographical errors:
>     mis-spelling control names in the examples
>     controls spelt one way in the body of the document and differently
>     in the index
>     controls in the main section but not in the index and controls in
>     the index and not in the main section
>         It does not appear that Microsoft was ever really serious
>         about _RTF Specification Documentation_.
> I reported an RTF bug in 2011 and it seems to have been resolved some 
> time in 2013
>     I downloaded the last/latest version ( that I think will
>     work with Windows 2000 (since that is what I use).
>     Since I did not find RTF Technical Information in the LibreOffice
>     Help file I downloaded the archived source code.
>     I searched for files that contains "RTF" and found
>     _*rtfkeywd.hxx*_ which also has the year of 2013 in the time/date
>     stamp.
>     I compared the rtfkeywd.hxx entries with the index entries from
>     RTF Specification Documentation v1.9.1 and found differences.
> Just FYI, Tracey
> Miklos Vajna-4 [via Document Foundation Mail Archive] wrote:
>> Hi,
>> On Fri, Jul 03, 2015 at 07:59:01AM -0700, tracey002 <[hidden email] 
>> </user/SendEmail.jtp?type=node&node=4153555&i=0>> wrote:
>> > Can someone please identify the following RTF Controls?
>> >
>> > \facpgsxn 162
>> > \nextcset 249
>> > \tql 371
>> > After the control, the number is the line in the *rtfkeywd.hxx* file
>> >
>> > I assume the category "RTF Control" means the controls are native 
>> to RTF,
>> > but I can not find them in the documentation
>> The last version of RTF specification is here:
>> http://www.microsoft.com/en-US/Download/details.aspx?id=10725
>> All the above 3 RTF control words are not part of the specification, so
>> most probably some legacy OOo extension that we inherited in LO.
>> As far as I see:
>> - facpgsxn is not used for anything LO, could be removed
>> - nextcset seems to be an alias for \ansi in the shared RTF filter
>>   (not used by Writer, but used by Calc and Impress)
>> - tql seems to be used for left-aligned tabs in the shared RTF filter
>>   (not used by Writer, but used by Calc and Impress)
>> Just curious, why do you ask? If possible, please don't depend on these
>> control words, it happened already in the past that such custom RTF
>> extension had been removed and replaced by something that is part of the
>> RTF spec (at least on the export side).
>> Regards,
>> Miklos
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