On 08/11/11 05:38, Christian Lohmaier wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 10, 2011 at 7:38 PM,  <some...@boldandbusted.com> wrote:
>> After a long hiatus, this service is back on the air. I swapped out the
>> bad RAM for some good RAM, and hooray, we've got a fresh cppcheck report
>> at http://libreoffice.boldandbusted.com/ .
> gives a 403 forbidden error right now....
> ciao
> Christian

Hopefully, that's resolved for you? I see some "Directory index
forbidden by Options directive", which means it is likely you happened
to browse when the results from the crunching server were being
transferred to my web server (and index.html didn't exist there yet).


Jesse Adelman
Senior Systems Shepherd
ilikelinux Consulting/Bold and Busted, LLC
http://ilikelinux.com/ http://boldandbusted.com/
Brisbane, CA
Tel: (415) 656-4480
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