vcl/osx/ |    2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

New commits:
commit 1276bf033b11a71961cd3454bb44bf08f997ca62
Author: Tor Lillqvist <>
Date:   Tue Jun 9 08:33:15 2015 +0300

    WaE: null passed to a callee that requires a non-null argument
    But actually I strongly suspect that this is dead
    [AquaA11yTextWrapper rTFForRangeAttributeForElement:forParameter:] is
    called only from [AquaA11yWrapper rTFForRangeAttributeForParameter:],
    and that is not called from our code, nor do I see any mention of
    either rTFForRangeAttributeForElement or
    rTFForRangeAttributeForParameter in documentation or when googling.
    The NSView documentation does talk about accessibilityRTFForRange,
    though. Could this be some copy/paste error since initial commit, code
    that has never been tested? Would not surprise me a bit.
    Change-Id: Ia1351c293e51e0b75d8b222f78ea19f7801a7c18

diff --git a/vcl/osx/ b/vcl/osx/
index 36fcb9c..bfa67d1 100644
--- a/vcl/osx/
+++ b/vcl/osx/
@@ -270,7 +270,7 @@ using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno;
     NSAttributedString * attrString = (NSAttributedString *) [ 
AquaA11yTextWrapper attributedStringForRangeAttributeForElement: wrapper 
forParameter: range ];
     if ( attrString != nil ) {
         @try {
-            rtfData = [ attrString RTFFromRange: [ range rangeValue ] 
documentAttributes: nil ];
+            rtfData = [ attrString RTFFromRange: [ range rangeValue ] 
documentAttributes: @{NSDocumentTypeDocumentAttribute : NSRTFTextDocumentType} 
         } @catch ( NSException * e) {
             // emtpy
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