On Aug 10, 2011, at 12:31 PM, Lubos Lunak wrote:
> On Tuesday 09 of August 2011, Stephan Bergmann wrote:
>> Technically, lostd::list is no longer a container, as it violates the
>> requirement that the return type of size() is size_type.  (And if you
>> redefine size_type as int, as you should do anyway in the above sketch, it
>> violates the requirement that size_type is an unsigned integral type.) 
> Do you realize that as long as the list does not contain 2E9 items, which it 
> does not, this does not matter at all?

That's not my point.  My point is that such an IMO hacky solution that tries to 
outsmart the language is probably not worth it.  (Imagine a compiler that emits 
a warning if a class that does not meet the container requirements is used with 
one of the standard algorithms…)

>> Really, I would not try to outsmart the specification---even if the
>> specification is far from beautiful.
> Right, doing things properly, for whatever definition of 'properly', is more 
> important than anything else. That's how OOo has always been developed and 
> that's why we now have a clean, easy to understand and elegant codebase. Oh, 
> wait.

I hope my post did not come across as demanding a sarcastic reply.

>> From my experience, I consider the problem of "randomly added casts" as not
>> that severe, anyway.  The best fix for the code in question would probably
>> be if "indexing types" like the type of nEntry were std::size_t to begin
>> with.
> You can never do without signed types, so as long as there's a single 
> unsigned type, there always will be mixing.

Yes, we appear to agree that there is some mixing.  I just argued that I do not 
consider the (infrequent) mixing a problem worth a more hacky and less 
straightforward solution than inserting an explicit cast.  (And that if there 
is high-frequency mixing then probably something else is bad about the code, 
and fixing that root cause will also remove the high-frequency mixing.)


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