* Present:
    + Andras, Jacobo, Markus, Michael M, Stephan, Muthu, Christian,
      Sophie, Miklos, Kendy, Caolan, Miklos, Bjoern, Eike, Noel, David,
      Robinson, Michael S
* Completed Action Items:
    + will check with Italo the exact version number [5.0 or 5.0.0] (Cloph)
        [ should stay three digits as now: 5.0.0 ]
    + test if it's possible to still have the profile as 4 (Cloph)
        [ no problem at all. Even hard-coded in the profile (Stephan) ].
    + clear old patches rotting on gerrrit (Bjoern)
        [ closed the patches from last year already (Bjoern)
          Rescue your patch now - or have it abandoned for you soon (Bjoern) ]
    + extend the build guide (Bjoern)
        + how to check the tinderbox status and
        + how to find the last working commit id there
* Pending Action Items:
    + please file an Easy-Hack this week: just a bug with whiteboard: (All)
            "EasyHack DifficultyBeginner SkillCpp TopicCleanup"
        + thanks to: Eike
                + http://bit.ly/1KR4HWX
    + make sure to create a new openid if you are using the Google openID (all)
        [ still need to get this done ! ]
    + provide Italo wrt. Android remote watch screenshots (Cloph)
    + Cambridge hackfest - poke about students (Michael)
        [ poked Doree - to find contacts in Cambridge ]
    + IRC bot that could warn about the red status (Norbert)
AI: + rename @since tags to 5.0 (Stephan)
AI: + mail Michael a new shortened bibisected bugs link (Cloph)
* GSoC (Cedric)
    + students review & ranking: deadline April 13th
        + what's the process?
        + new column in the overview - easy to see who hasn't have an easy hack 
        + need to filter out those that clearly do not fit the rules (Kendy)
        + some sorting already going on in Melange (Bjoern)
AI:     + Mentors - please rank GSOC projects [all]
        + Kendy, Muthu and David doing ranking.
             + 6 of top 10 proposals so far mentored by Kendy.
             + new / volunteer mentors appreciated.
             + we have around 11x good proposals.
    + Number of slots request
        + due by end of the week: Sunday / Monday.
        + have a hard & a soft slot maximum; at least <X> at most <Y>
        + set 10x at least, and left 2x more for those at '3'
        + and 4-5 returning students with good easy-hacks committed.
    + some duplicate proposals in the top 10 need reconciling.
        + downgraded one proposal - because we want the other (Kendy)
        + mark 1st proposal as ignored ? (Cedric)
    + Wiki page for tasks:
* Release Engineering update (Cloph)
    + 4.3.7 RC1 status April 13th
        + not tagged yet, network issues,
          a few patches left to be reviewed, running a
          build to verify them.
        + expect the tag at 8-9pm European time.
        + the last supported release.
             + can we fast-track RC2 ? (Bjoern)
AI:          + come up with a new 4.3.7 RC2 plan (Cloph)
    + 4.4.3
        + early next week, tag for RC1
        + planned for the next Wed.
    + 5.0.0 - 1st Alpha release - April 13th
         + week after 4.3.7
         + marketing supports this
         + UX freeze is not until June 15th ...
    + Windows 64 bit update ?
         + played locally; working fine - need to push to the
           VM server, should be submitting results Friday.
         + Matus added mergelib builds for Windows.
AI:           + test & turn that on by default for the 5.0 Alpha (Cloph)
         + what operating systems should be supported by
           the official releases ? (Michael S)
              + require at least Vista for 64bit Windows
                  + XP we have a separate file & folder picker foo.
              + leave XP as 32bit Windows baseline.
AI:           + add it to the prototype release notes (Michael S)
                  => decided.
    + Android & iOS Remote
         + new version to the production channel, fixing a
           couple of nullptr exceptions seen in the play crashreporter.
* Crashtest update (Caolán)
    + import ~11 issues, mostly duplicates.
    + started looking at low-hanging fruit in export (Caolan)
    + asan test run results announced
        + caolan already fixed 1 of 2x issues found (Markus)
        + import crash investigation (Stephan)
            + those not marked as through disposed - of those
              remaining - running them locally on asan+ubsan
              doesn't produce any problems either.
            + not sure how useful the data is
                + related to high load on the machine (Markus)
    + import.txt - false positives due to over-high load on machine.
    + export.txt - all normal issues - already imported the file (Markus)
        + if an export one is not reproducible - mail markus &
          he'll test on the server.
            + hard to debug / work on how to test this stuff (Stephan)
                + hard to know how to reproduce this.
                + having the URL to the bug doc would help ? (Michael)
                + having a link to the captured output ? (Stephan)
                    + randomly looked at the mail, hard to make sense of it.
                    + links to those which produced asan error messages.
    + ubsan will follow next week
    + lower load will fix false positives mostly.
* Hackfests (Bjoern)
    + Cambridge, UK - May 2015 - contact (Michael)
            + 21st -> 23rd May confirmed. Thur / Fri / Sat.
            + Cambridge Beer Festival overlap / Punting Excursion planned etc.
    + next venues / suggestions ?
* UX Update (Kendy)
    + Accordion widget - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Accordion_%28GUI%29
        + want it, something that expands vertically to reveal different panes.
        + discussing, is it compatible etc. ?
        + how can it be supported in various OS' we have currently.
        + mockup a POC implementation.
        + manual expansion for "show more options" eg.
    + branding discussion for 5.0
        + thought of run a competition as we did for templates
        + reach out to some known designers first.
        + for splash / start / about graphics.
* l10n Update (Sophie)
    + Pootle upgrade is done to 2.7 - needs testing.
* Committers
* Developer Certification (Stephan/Bjoern/Kendy/Thorsten)
    + 3-4 proposed names under discussion; perhaps more to come.
* Jenkins update (Norbert)
from:Thu Apr  2 11:17:19 2015
master linux jobs:135 ok:116 ko:18 fail ratio:13.33% break:8 broken 
master mac   jobs:108 ok:90 ko:18 fail ratio:16.66% break:11 broken 
master win   jobs:110 ok:96 ko:14 fail ratio:12.72% break:6 broken 
lo-4.4 mac   jobs:16 ok:14 ko:2 fail ratio:12.5% break:2 broken duration:2.4%
gerrit win   jobs:125 ok:91 ko:34 fail ratio:27.2%
gerrit lin   jobs:126 ok:99 ko:27 fail ratio:21.42%
gerrit mac   jobs:124 ok:95 ko:29 fail ratio:23.38%
gerrit all   jobs:124 ok:66 ko:58 fail ratio:46.77%
    + looks better this week (Bjoern)
* Larger Scale Renames (Kendy)
    + is it late enough in the release cycle or not ?
        + world's biggest VclPtr work first please ! (Michael)
    + what do we have queued up ?
        + targetted writer class renames (Kendy)
AI:     + post a list of what we'd like to rename (All)
            + e.g. SwFrm -> sw::Frame would be problematic (Miklos)
* QA (Robinson)
    + UNCONFIRMED at 304
    + needAdvice at 11
    + mjayfrancis burning through the regressions & working on bibisect
    + "Regression Triage" - Categorize all open, confirmed bugs into one of:
        + "Inherited from OOo" (no change in behavior since LO creation)
        + regression           (commit changed existing, working behavior)
        + implementationError  (bug in initial implementation of new feature)
        => gives a better understanding of where they came from ?
            + More accurate regression stats
    + OS X bibisect (Norbert)
* QA stats:
    +115    -110        (+5 overall)
    many thanks to the top bug squashers:
        Julien Nabet          18
        Caolán McNamara       11
        Matthew Francis        9
        raal                   8
        Michael Stahl          6
        Adolfo Jayme           6
        Beluga                 6
        A (Andy)               6
        Markus Mohrhard        4
        Alex Thurgood          3
        Miklos Vajna           3
        m.a.riosv              3
        Rpnpif                 2
        Timur                  2
        Marc Pare              2
* Open 5.0 MAB
  + 2/5 0/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 0/2 0/2 1/2 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1
* Open 4.4 MAB
  + 15/52 14/51 14/50 13/49 15/49 14/48 13/47 12/46 16/44 16/43 16/40 14/38 
11/34 6/26 6/24
     28%   27%   28%   26%   30%   29%   27%   26%   36%   37%   40%   36%   
32%  23%  25%
* Open 4.3 MAB
  + 79/163 78/163 76/160 78/160 79/160 77/158 77/158 76/158 77/156 77/155 
78/155 86/154 84/152
     48%    47%    47%    48%    49%    48%    48%    48%    49%    49%    50%  
  55%    55%
* Bibisected bugs open: whiteboard 'bibisected'
  + 321/798 291/737 275/719 259/701 264/699 267/698 261/687 252/662 241/650 
* all bugs tagged with 'regression'
    + 527(+24) bugs open of 3629(+48) total
    * ~Component   count net *
                Writer - 181 (+9)
                  Calc - 105 (+4)
               Crashes - 41  (+6)
               Impress - 35  (+1)
           LibreOffice - 32  (+2)
                    UI - 26  (-2)
        graphics stack - 24  (-1)
                  Draw - 23  (+4)
               Borders - 16  (+0)
                  Base - 15  (+2)
   filters and storage - 12  (-1)
                 Chart - 11  (+1)
 Printing / PDF export -  9  (+0)
                 BASIC -  6  (+1)
             framework -  4  (+1)
            Extensions -  4  (+1)
        Formula Editor -  4  (+0)
          Installation -  2  (+0)
            Linguistic -  2  (+0)
                   sdk -  1  (+0)
        Impress Remote -  0  (+0)

 michael.me...@collabora.com  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

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