Hi Samphan,

On Wed, 2011-07-27 at 16:12 +0700, Samphan Raruenrom wrote:
> Last year I've done a comparison of memory usage on Windows between
> OpenOffice.org Calc 3.1 and MS Excel 2003/2007 for spreadsheets with
> simple formula of various size. I found that Calc take a lot more
> memory than Excel 2003/2007 when loading large spreadsheets.

So, this would very much depend on the characteristics of the document
you used to run the benchmark.  Otherwise it'd be hard for us to do
anything useful.

If you don't mind, could you file a bug in bugzilla, with the
information you gave here, as well as the actual document you used to
produce the data as an attachment?  I don't think this is something we
can quickly address in one or two release cycles, but it would be nice
to have a reference document handy to see whether we are making progress
in performance or going backward.

Thanks a lot!


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