On 18/07/11 10:41, Caolán McNamara wrote:
On Fri, 2011-07-15 at 16:35 +0100, Noel Power wrote:
Hi Caolán

could you have a look at this patch

This should be a nice stroll down memory lane for you as it seems
related to http://openoffice.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=1291, yes
issue #1291 !!!
Hmm, well I don't remember the code, I do remember the document itself,
cause its a nasty.

My intent with the SetFmtAttr is apparently to get a floating frame
which shrinks right down the the size of the table contained in it,
reset the positioning of the table so the left of the table is 0 from
the left of the frame and the right 0 from the right of the frame so
that it completely fills it widthwise.

If "FULL" isn't actually "full width of the container", but automatic in
a full-width-of-the-container, but clip-to-the-page-width, sort of way,
that's a pain :-)

lets forget this, I see from trying this on a different machine I get the same (good) results as if I used the patch mentioned above e.g. this seems to be a font selection problem. I got confused because the word previous to the word that appears wrongly on the next line just happened to be close to the page margin ( and and also the column width was wrong ). The change in the patch above allowed the column width to be closer to what it is in MSO and the display improved. So, while I do still believe there is an issue with the 'FULL' attribute and the fact it seems to truncate the table width and and column widths. However.. it seems that issue doesn't actually really affect the document in question and I suppose it's better I don't mess more with things I don't understand well enough :-(

thanks for looking though

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