Marco wrote:
> == 1 ==
> Changed the handling of slide and shape unique identifiers generation.
> Now the same class used for generating unique identifier by the odp
> format exporter is exploited.
Neat :)

> == 2 ==
> For each slide all animations are exported into the svg document:
> the exported animation elements are the same that are created by
> the odp format exporter.
Interesting - but maybe easier to have some pre-processed subset

> == 3 ==
> Read SMIL documentation section on transition filters.
> In order to understand how to implement the javascript code for
> performing the exported animations, I started analyzing the slideshow
> animation engine.
Hmm - I guess re-implementing larger parts of the animation engine
in JS is out of scope for this project (though of course would be
cool to have) - maybe limiting ourselves to what smil is natively
supported in a browser (e.g. is

> I attached a patch set based on the master branch, as it was on
> Monday July 7, that includes all enhancements I implemented until now.
Thx a lot, will look into this - please give me a day or two, just
back from vacation. ;)


-- Thorsten

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