It was kindly pointed out that the minutes I posted bore a startling
resemblance to last week's minutes ;-) the reason is obviously
incapacity ;-) ... please find the real minutes & stats:

* Present:
    + Andras, Caolan, Markus, Michael, Miklos, Ptyl, Thorsten, Kendy,
      Jan-Marek, Cloph, Lionel, Stephan, Eike, Michael M, Michael S
* Completed Action Items:
    + sort out UX / QA call timing conflict (Kendy / Sophie)
        [ meant it differently, good to have translators in
          the ESC call, not the UX call ]
AI:     + add Sophie to the ESC invite (Michael)
* Pending Action Items:
    + please file an Easy-Hack this week: just a bug with whiteboard: (All)
            "EasyHack DifficultyBeginner SkillCpp TopicCleanup"
        + thanks to:
            + Stephan, Michael, Lionel, Ashdod, Miklos,
    + review / amend GSOC ideas page (All)
    + look into setting up OpenID proxy after 4.4.0 release (Cloph)
* GSoC ()
    + We need to have new ideas added to the wiki page:
        + soon !
    + February, 9th: Mentoring organizations can begin submitting applications 
to Google.
        + we need a good page before then.
* Release Engineering update (Cloph)
    + 4.4.x bits
        + Mac signing still not satisfactory (Stephan)
            + hope was that re-structuring the app-layout would help here
              the signed app should pass the default settings
                + apparently not so.
                + too many non-executable files; shell-scripts / links etc.
                  perhaps the cause.
            + happy to look at it if there is an easy way to replicate.
                + is there no debug key for testing ? (Miklos)
                    + unclear (Stephan)
AI:             + can get Stephan set up on the app-store account (Cloph)
    + 4.4.1 RC1 release
        + scheduled to tag this week & RC2 in 2x weeks time.
    + 4.3.6 RC2
        + in early testing, not announced yet.
    + 4.3.7 scheduled for end of April
        + cf. additional release earlier in the stream
    + Android & iOS Remote
        + patches in gerrit status ?
    + Fixed missing objects stopping us pushing to github / gerrit.  and parents
      refs/notes/review not rebased, so history of that is not linear on gerrit 
* Bugzilla migration update (Cloph)
    + all is well; today a high-load issue, but now sorted.
* Translations problems (Kendy)
    + conclusions on translation.
    + no means for developers to do a large / scripted string changes.
        + just poke Cloph / l10n list.
    + currently unaware of UX people doing large changes just now (Kendy)
* Crashtest update (Markus)
    + VM is working again, result published on Sunday
        + 8x import issues, export crashers & validation not changed much.
        + running an asan build
        + surprised by a few crashers himself (Kendy)
            + using a slightly different script; why a difference ?
            + potentially has some more assert issues from VCL.
* FOSDEM retrospective
    + Brussels, Belgium -- February 2015
    + Saturday - dev-room full of LibreOffice talks
        + lots of attendees; say 2x of last year
        + always someone at the booth.
    + Hack-fest good,
        + too many people to fit a single room
        + if people needed help - that was quite possible.
    + Board meeting at the same time a bit sad (Michael)
* Hackfests (Bjoern)
    + initial scheduling for 2015:
        + Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain
            + happy to have us back
            + suggested March 19th, 20th: Thur / Fri.
            + happens during GSOC application phase.
            Date is confirmed, sign up & book travel!
        + Cambridge, UK - May 2015 contact (Michael)
            Poking for dates here too
* UX Update (Kendy)
    + was in a train; didn't attend the meeting
    + had a meeting.
* Certification (Stephan/Bjoern/Kendy)
* Jenkins update (Norbert)
       + hardware needed; pending.
* QA (Robinson)
    + killed the 'LibreOffice' component ?
    + UNCONFIRMED at ?
* QA stats:
    +231    -149        (+82 overall)
    many thanks to the top bug squashers:
        Caolán McNamara       21
        V Stuart Foote        18
        Alex Thurgood         13
        Adolfo Jayme          10
        Cor Nouws             10
        Beluga                 6
        Stephan Bergmann       6
        Lionel Elie Mamane     4
        Joel Madero            4
        raal                   4
        Miklos Vajna           4
        Robinson Tryon (qubit) 4
        Matthew Francis        4
        David Tardon           4
        Urmas                  3
* Open 4.5 MAB
  + 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1
* Open 4.4 MAB
  + 16/43 16/40 14/38 11/34 6/26 6/24 7/24 7/22 5/19 4/18 3/17 3/16 3/16 4/16
     37%   40%   36%   32%  23%  25%  29%  31%  26%  22%  17%
* Open 4.3 MAB
  + 77/155 78/155 86/154 84/152 86/151 86/148 84/146 58/117 33/90 19/73
     49%    50%    55%    55%    56%    58%    57%    49%    36%   26%
* Bibisected bugs open: whiteboard 'bibisected'
  + 241/650 228/627 226/616 229/601 214/564 208/532 208/526 182/488 190/481 
189/475 190/470
* all bugs tagged with 'regression'
    + 448(+4) bugs open of 3417(+24) total
        * ~Component   count net *
                Writer - 146 (-8)
           Spreadsheet -  94 (+3)
          Presentation -  34 (+0)
               Crashes -  21 (+0)
              Graphics -  21 (+2)
                    UI -  18 (+1)
               Drawing -  18 (-2)
              Database -  17 (+0)
               Borders -  16 (+0)
                 Chart -  11 (+1)
               Filters -  11 (+0)
           Print / PDF -  10 (+0)
               Formula -   4 (+0)
                 BASIC -   4 (+0)
            Extensions -   3 (+0)
             framework -   2 (+0)
          Installation -   2 (+0)
                   sdk -   1 (+0)
        Impress Remote -   0 (+0)
            Linguistic -   0 (+0)
           Libreoffice -   0 (-21) - removed ?

--  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

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