On Sat, Jul 23, 2011 at 7:48 AM, Alexander Thurgood
<alex.thurg...@gmail.com> wrote:
> After discussion with Norbert on autogen switches for Mac and a warning
> I was getting about python-ext-scripting not being supported, I was
> wondering whether this might this be an explanation as to why the latest
> daily builds from master do not include an activated Python scripting
> framework on Mac ?

No, you're wrong, it is all answered in the issue you filed, in the
mail-thread you started, in the TSC minutes.

System python that is used is incompatible with python 3.0 compatible files.

So if you want python-extensions, you don't have any other choice than
to compile with internal python (which is python 2.6, and that is
forward-compatible to 3.0)

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