On 07/16/2011 07:29 PM, Christoph Noack wrote:
Hi TaTung!, all!

Am Samstag, den 16.07.2011, 16:02 +0700 schrieb Ta Duc Tung:

We are trying to hack into this easy hack
We're still studying source code. We have 2 questions:


      2. How to add another RadioButton in to print dialog?
          We can enable and disable existing RadioButton like All, Pages,
or Selection but it's still mystery for adding new RadioButton. We want
to add a Current Page radio button just below Pages radio button.

Anyone please help us :)
Is there a specific reason to use another radio button? OOo once added
the current page number to the "Pages" field - which worked okay for
many users.
I think it will be more intuitive and easier to use if we have a Current Page radio button there. As a beginner, I won't aware that the number in the text box is current page because normally, I scarcely care which page I was.
And Word, as far as I remember, also handles this a bit different (if we
look for easing the transition from MSO users to "us").
I don't have M$ Word here but after googling some images, I see they also have the Current Page option. And I think it's a clever design.
Thanks for working on that!


Best Regards,
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