On 24.11.2014 06:20, Jean-Baptiste Faure wrote:
> Hi,
> I try to build LibreOffice 4.4 and master on Ubuntu 14.10 x86-64 using
> clang (version 3.5.0) instead of gcc (version 4.9).
> I get two unit-test fails by segmentation fault:
> CppunitTest_basic_enable
> CppunitTest_basic_nested_struct
> It worked with gcc, so I guess the errors are related to the use of
> clang. Is there something I can do from my side?

please (turn on --enable-debug or --enable-dbgutil if you haven't
already and) run the tests in a debugger with:

CPPUNITTRACE="gdb --args"  make CppunitTest_basic_enable

and when it crashes use "bt" to get a backtrace and post it here.

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