On Mon, 2011-07-11 at 15:32 +0200, Lubos Lunak wrote:
> Hello,
>  who knows how to add a unit test?
>  http://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Development/Unit_Tests is incomplete 
> (what 
> if there is no qa/makefile.mk?) and obsolete (it assumes that this 
> qa/makefile.mk is dmake-based).

There are some new-styles ones to follow. Do
ls */CppunitTest*mk
to see them.

They vary from sfx2/CppunitTest_sfx2_metadatable.mk which is a "nice"
one in that its a good small clean example for the ideal world, just a
.cxx built and linked against what it needs at runtime all the way up
to the "fat" sw/CppunitTest_sw_test_filters.mk and
sw/CppunitTest_sw_swdoc_test.mk which need a goodly amount of stuff
available and initialized at runtime to get up and running and some
annoying hacks.


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