On Thu, 2011-07-07 at 03:36 -0700, Mahasen Dehideniya wrote:
> I'm try to download and compile the LibreOffice 3.3 .. 
> Its source code is very big.

        In addition to Cor's good advice, I would -strongly- recommend
contributing to libreoffice-3-4 or better master - since we can always
back-port fixes to include in 3.4.x and 3.3.x if necessary, and master
is (strangely) rather easier to build, and we'll be much more able to
help you with problems if they occur.

> Basically , I'm try to contribute to LibreOffice 3.3 calc 
> So anyone can tell me how can I compile LibreOffice 3.3 calc only....

        Compiling calc only is currently only possible after you have compiled
all of LibreOffice. Once that is done you can quickly just re-build

        The best thing to do is to hang out on the #libreoffice-dev  IRC
channel on irc.freenode.net and ask questions :-)

        Thanks !


 michael.me...@novell.com  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

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