On 27/06/11 09:24, Anurag Jain wrote:
Hello Noel,
Here I got some chance to play with MS Excel 2010 and I analyzed the
behavior of inputbar. I'm sending an image here showing the desire
The first figure in the image shows the normal behavior showing only a
single line and keep on wrapping the content text on overflows.This is
what has already been done in single line mode.
2: Second thing is to enable the button press. On button press as you
can see, only two lines are shown and scrollbar shifts its position
below the button (that is probably to make the UI consistent adjusting
the button and scrollbar in double the height of the line. This
actually does not affect the text output area, just makes things
consistent).Scrollbar works same way scrolling single line at a
time.This can be said as multiline mode.
3: The third thing is to make the inputbar re-sizable on the mouse
drag. On hovering the down edge of the inputbar here the cursor
changes and can be dragged to show the hidden contents (this also
happens in units of single line height. Also here the scrollbar's
thumb size changes depending on the height of the inputbar.)
So if this is implemented in similar way it can be good UI enhancement
to LO. As of now I'm trying to set the position of the scrollbar and
button, making them appear at the right place i.e. after the inputbar.
Also as of now I do not have any idea about the implementing the
resizing of inputbar. As I've already sent the patch for fixing the
width, height and border of the InputBarGroup and after i get the
positions correctly we can start working on these improvements.
so I would not get overly hung up by this, we don't have to have exactly
the same arrangement, I think a workable and useful first cut is as
Kohei and I mentioned already
1st pass
- single line mode ( you have this already ) but you need to add a new
button for switching the mode ( don't even worry about a scrollbar )
- multi-line mode, same as above but give a 'bigger' input area, maybe
5+ lines ( for the first pass I wouldn't even care about a scrollbar too
much, just get it switching nicely, button placed properly etc.
2nd pass
- single line mode as above
- multi-line mode as above but with the scrollbar placed underneath the
after you get the above working then you could try and make it a bit
sexier with adding the scrollbar in single line mode and some of the
other behaviour
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