Ok, this patch compiles fine; however, I can't find where it's used. Also, I 
think it's unused; it looks a lot like leftovers of when OpenOffice had a web 
browser. If some can verify, that it's trash, a few pointers in to how to 
remove it would be nice.

It looks like libs-gui/uui/source/services.cxx registers the component and sets 
up the factory for generating the dialogs. Because it's a component system, I'm 
not sure how to unplug it and/or verify how it would be used.

The dialogs are:
        cookiedlg.cxx                   - cookie controls (the one I'm patching)
        fltdlg.cxx                                      - filter
        logindlg.cxx                            - login
        masterpasscrtdlg.cxx            - master password (is this the one used 
for documents?)
        nameclashdlg.cxx                - Name Clash?
        newerverwarn.cxx                - Newer Version (is this the Help ==> 
Check for Updates)
        passworddlg.cxx                 - password (I wonder what the 
difference is between master and normal)
        secmacrowarnings.cxx    - Macro Security Warning
        sslwarndlg.cxx                  - SSL Warning
        unknownauthdlg.cxx              - Unknown Authority

It might be easy to just remove the ones we don't need and keep the other ones. 
As I said, any pointers would be nice.


Joe P.

Attachment: 0001-Replace-List-with-std-vector-CntHTTPCookie-svl.patch
Description: Binary data

Attachment: 0001-Replace-List-with-std-vector-CntHTTPCookie-uui.patch
Description: Binary data

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