Caolán McNamara wrote:
> There are no symbols in your build so it doesn't give completely useful
> info, though its an indication. You can configure with an additional
> --enable-symbols to build with symbols. 
Thanks for the explicit instruction - I tried to debug build but missed that
2d reqmt. of --enable-symbols

Caolán McNamara wrote:
> Something else you can do is to install valgrind, export
> VALGRIND=memcheck and run make -sr in starmath to get a valgrind trace
> of the dying unit test.

Again thanks.  I want to get back to working in master.  I imagine that this
is fixed in master (seen others report build there(?)) and a just a pull
will likely get me rolling, but I will try this before the pull so I
continue to build my skill in this work. It will be a couple days before I
can do this.  Will pastebin the results and inquire further if still stuck
on master build.


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