Hi Markus, *,

Markus Mohrhard wrote (05-06-11 02:04)

I've been looking a bit further into the performance problem when
dealing with several sheets and am now at the move

With the few sheets that I tend to work with, never even noticed a progress bar ;-)
But that does not mean there is no (possible) problem of course.

We have there an ScProgress(for all: it's the calc version of a progress
bar) which is called quite too often. We call for every column at every
sheet ScProgress::SetState. So in the end we are there with number of
tables * MAXCOL (which is 1024 at the moment) calls to SetState. (It
gets even worse when we move several sheets at once: number of moved
tables*number of tables*MAXCOL)

I tried with 5000 empty tables and moving a sheet from the first
position to the last(most work for the algorithm) and it turns out that
we need much more time updating the progress bar than we need to move
the sheet. So in my opinion there is no need for the progress bar but I
like to hear your opinion on that too. I don't know if you remember that
we have problems with the same progress bar in the unit test, so it
would solve two problems at once.
The other solution would be to update the progress bar only once per
sheet and not once per column.

Looks logic to me.

I would like to here any suggestions before I change anything UI related.

There is a list for it recently -added as CC. (See
http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/libreoffice/2011-June/013109.html )

P.S. We don't even use a ScProgress in ScDocument::CopyTab which should
normally need much more time


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