Hello all,

so now a reworked patch. It only fixes the problem that the global anonymous
db data was imported to the subtotal database range even if it should have
been mapped to the sheet local db data.

It would still be nice to get this into 3-4 and if possible into
3-4-0.(LibreOffice 3-3 and OpenOffice still only support global anonymous db

There is still another bug around the sheet local db data, but it is not
related to this import problem. If you delete a sheet it seems that the
sheet local db data will not be updated. As a result of this the db data no
longer points to the correct sheet and the autofilter disappears. I haven't
tested if this happens with moving sheets, but I hope I will get to the root
of this problem soon.

The idea behind this patch is to get the information into which table the db
data should be inserted by the db data itself and not by the name.


Attachment: 0001-fix-for-fdo-37323.patch
Description: Binary data

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