Hello guys...

AFAIK we have no tool to edit the help pages for LibreOffice. The tools
scattered here and there that I tested are broken and I end up having to
edit the XML text file with great pain, limiting the possibilities to
add/improve content.

A feature with no help page is a hidden feature/secret for most users.

OTOH, discussions on a new help system are stalled, some hickups once a
while, since LO birth.

The extension I am told to investigate is HelpAuthoring.oxt, + a SUN
Help2 Reference Guide in PDF available in the net. The extenstion is
broken and debate will rise to fix it or design a new help system with
no foreseable future.

So, is there *anywhere* a version of OpenOffice.org + Helpauthoring.oxt
 known to work in Linux/windows(*) that I can install and edit
LibreOffice Help pages?

Thank you

(*) W7 or Win XP
Olivier Hallot
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