* announcing binfilter as deprecated in 3.4
+ want to warn people in plenty of time
+ officially deprecate it, we drop save support in 3.4
The code cleaning is not yet finished, I still have commits (and done
commits) that missed the 3.4 freeze (argh, missing free time) and some
that needs to be done.
>> + be warned - it will die in a new major release soon.
Will be this 3.5 ? Or do you want to wait for the next version? If post
3.5, then I will continue the cleaning. If no, I may change my work and
try to perform cleaning (ergh, deletion) as proposed here below.
And also make sure when you remove it completely: Don't remove the
filter-detection part of it. I.e. when a user then opens a
binfilter-covered format, don't present the user with the file-format
selection box, but use a "sorry, support for this format was removed -
open it in 3.4" or similar dialog.
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