On Friday 15 of April 2011, Christian Dywan wrote:
> I made a change to not show accelerators in Edit popups except in KDE and
> Windows, which are to my knowledge the only platforms doing this. I'm not
> sure if this is the best way to address this, I looked at the style
> settings, but this isn't a setting,

 What is not there can be added. I think it makes more sense to have it as a 
style setting rather than hardcoding a bunch of if's (where it's easier to 
miss a platform, e.g. KDE in LO is "kde" for KDE3 or "kde4").

 Also, is this lineedit popups only, or generic? In the latter case it should 
just go to SetAccelKey().

> and I saw get_desktop_session() but 
> that isn't public API and I'm not sure how it's meant to be used. If
> there's a better approach, pointers welcome.
> Also filed as fdo#36235 with the same patch.

 Lubos Lunak
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