Hi Francois,

On Wed, 2011-04-06 at 22:31 +0200, Francois Tigeot wrote:
> CVER is defined in set_solenv.in and propagated in form of defines to the
> entire source tree.

        We're not worried about the Solaris build - we don't ship on that
platform, so feel free to ignore that.

> I've found it is almost unused expect in the following cases
> - when set to C52 (version 5.2 of a solaris-specific compiler)
> - when set to M1500 or M1600 (Microsoft Visual Studio compilers ?)

        I guess removing the -DCVER in the cflags would be fine if we can show
there is no source using it.

> Could a Solaris user confirm whether C52 is indeed completely obsolete
> or not in the year 2011 ?

        I would just ignore it :-) when the Illumos (the only Solaris I care
about personally) guys get to building LibreOffice, I imagine they will
use gcc (free software) anyway.



 michael.me...@novell.com  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

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