Thomas , Michael,
2 Corrections:
- I was wrong, in PDF documents we can now embed most off the Video-formats
- LO - (windows) still not accept flash video
Not so many applications allows to embed video in PDF, Android and Ipad
will been allover the place, and PDF is still the most simple way to
produce MultiMedia for this devices, so LO will have a very interesting
new feather.
On 03/01/2011 06:29 PM, Fernand Vanrie wrote:
Video in PDF can been done but it must be Flash-video :-)
So: or: we need a on the fly conversion, or you havbe accept Flash
video in the LO documents. I can help to do some research but i am not a
coder, just a bit off a avandced user.
That sounds really nice. The Media Player already understands flv files,
but the file chooser isn't ready (no possibility to choose flv files).
Somehow I got a flv file added to the document with "All files" as
filter. Wrote this in an earlier mail, this stuff is some out of sync. I
may look at it later.
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