Hi, Throsten,

I express thanks for your review.
I was bit busy with school work. But here are updated patches.
0001 and 0003 are almost same as previous.

2011/2/2 Thorsten Behrens <t...@documentfoundation.org>:
> Nope, this is still in use, especially in legacy binary documents
> (soon to be axed I guess), and more importantly, for all those svm
> metafiles. Could you keep both code paths - i.e. falling back to the
> old code, should there be a step count (with 0 meaning smooth
> gradient, and maybe you can even cut off at something like 100 or so
> steps)?

I found the way to reproduce the stepping gradients with native gradients.
# Simply adding gradient stops as needed.
So 0002 patch uses native gradients for both smooth and non-smooth gradients.

> A bit orthogonal to this great improvement, let me point you to
> https://github.com/knobo/OOo-svg-Export.git - this is an early stage
> of a slightly different attempt, using the new drawing layer
> primitives (that contain more high-level geometry information, like
> stroking etc.). I attach two changes I had lying around locally -
> maybe you're also interested in looking into that.

It's very interesting and has a potential to resolve many long standing issues.
While it's really attractive, I would like to continue to improve the
current filter.
LibreOffice and its predecessors have never produced an SVG
preserving, at least, visual appearances.
Improving the current filter is the shortest path to make LibreOffice
export visual identical SVG files in a short term.
# I know the structure of an SVG produced by the current filter is mess.


Kurosawa Takeshi <taken....@gmail.com>
From ba06cca17ff6fd112d8fd4ee9a16176c34de5205 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Kurosawa Takeshi <taken....@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 11 Feb 2011 18:55:42 +0900
Subject: [PATCH 1/3] Export hatches and gradients as SVG <pattern>s

This patch tends not to improve a visual look, but improve semantic
structure of an exported file.
 filter/source/svg/svgwriter.cxx |   85 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------
 filter/source/svg/svgwriter.hxx |    3 +
 2 files changed, 62 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-)

diff --git a/filter/source/svg/svgwriter.cxx b/filter/source/svg/svgwriter.cxx
index b33e84a..b0e2a0f 100644
--- a/filter/source/svg/svgwriter.cxx
+++ b/filter/source/svg/svgwriter.cxx
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@
 static const char	aXMLElemG[] = "g";
 static const char	aXMLElemDefs[] = "defs";
 static const char	aXMLElemClipPath[] = "clipPath";
+static const char	aXMLElemPattern[] = "pattern";
 static const char	aXMLElemLine[] = "line";
 static const char	aXMLElemRect[] = "rect";
 static const char	aXMLElemEllipse[] = "ellipse";
@@ -66,6 +67,7 @@ static const char	aXMLAttrRY[] = "ry";
 static const char	aXMLAttrWidth[] = "width";
 static const char	aXMLAttrHeight[] = "height";
 static const char	aXMLAttrPoints[] = "points";
+static const char	aXMLAttrPatternUnits[] = "patternUnits";
 static const char	aXMLAttrXLinkHRef[] = "xlink:href";
 // --------------
@@ -379,7 +381,8 @@ SVGActionWriter::SVGActionWriter( SvXMLExport& rExport, SVGFontExport& rFontExpo
     mrFontExport( rFontExport ),
     mpContext( NULL ),
     mbClipAttrChanged( sal_False ),
-    mnCurClipId( 1 )
+    mnCurClipId( 1 ),
+    mnCurPatternId( 1 )
     mpVDev = new VirtualDevice;
     mpVDev->EnableOutput( sal_False );
@@ -659,48 +662,81 @@ void SVGActionWriter::ImplWritePolyPolygon( const PolyPolygon& rPolyPoly, sal_Bo
 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void SVGActionWriter::ImplWriteGradientEx( const PolyPolygon& rPolyPoly, const Gradient& rGradient,
-                                           const NMSP_RTL::OUString* pStyle, sal_uInt32 nWriteFlags )
+void SVGActionWriter::ImplWritePattern( const PolyPolygon& rPolyPoly,
+                                        const Hatch* pHatch,
+                                        const Gradient* pGradient,
+                                        const NMSP_RTL::OUString* pStyle,
+                                        sal_uInt32 nWriteFlags )
     if( rPolyPoly.Count() )
-        SvXMLElementExport	aElemG( mrExport, XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, aXMLElemG, TRUE, TRUE );
-        FastString			aClipId;
-        FastString			aClipStyle;
+        SvXMLElementExport aElemG( mrExport, XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, aXMLElemG, TRUE, TRUE );
-        aClipId += B2UCONST( "clip" );
-        aClipId += NMSP_RTL::OUString::valueOf( ImplGetNextClipId() );
+        FastString aPatternId;
+        aPatternId += B2UCONST( "pattern" );
+        aPatternId += GetValueString( ImplGetNextPatternId() );
             SvXMLElementExport aElemDefs( mrExport, XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, aXMLElemDefs, TRUE, TRUE );
-            mrExport.AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, aXMLAttrId, aClipId.GetString() );
+            mrExport.AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, aXMLAttrId, aPatternId.GetString() );
+            Rectangle aRect( ImplMap( rPolyPoly.GetBoundRect() ) );
+            mrExport.AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, aXMLAttrX, GetValueString( aRect.Left() ) );
+            mrExport.AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, aXMLAttrY, GetValueString( aRect.Top() ) );
+            mrExport.AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, aXMLAttrWidth, GetValueString( aRect.GetWidth() ) );
+            mrExport.AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, aXMLAttrHeight, GetValueString( aRect.GetHeight() ) );
+            mrExport.AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, aXMLAttrPatternUnits, NMSP_RTL::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "userSpaceOnUse") ) );
-                SvXMLElementExport aElemClipPath( mrExport, XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, aXMLElemClipPath, TRUE, TRUE );
-                ImplWritePolyPolygon( rPolyPoly, sal_False );
+                SvXMLElementExport aElemPattern( mrExport, XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, aXMLElemPattern, TRUE, TRUE );
+                // The origin of a pattern is positioned at (aRect.Left(), aRect.Top()).
+                // So we need to adjust the pattern coordinate.
+                FastString aTransform;
+                aTransform += B2UCONST( "translate" );
+                aTransform += B2UCONST( "(" );
+                aTransform += GetValueString( -aRect.Left() );
+                aTransform += B2UCONST( "," );
+                aTransform += GetValueString( -aRect.Top() );
+                aTransform += B2UCONST( ")" );
+                mrExport.AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, aXMLAttrTransform, aTransform.GetString() );
+                {
+                    SvXMLElementExport aElemG2( mrExport, XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, aXMLElemG, TRUE, TRUE );
+                    GDIMetaFile aTmpMtf;
+                    if( pHatch )
+                        mpVDev->AddHatchActions( rPolyPoly, *pHatch, aTmpMtf );
+                    else if ( pGradient )
+                        mpVDev->AddGradientActions( rPolyPoly.GetBoundRect(), *pGradient, aTmpMtf );
+                    ImplWriteActions( aTmpMtf, pStyle, nWriteFlags );
+                }
-        // create new context with clippath set
-        aClipStyle += B2UCONST( "clip-path:URL(#" );
-        aClipStyle += aClipId.GetString();
-        aClipStyle += B2UCONST( ")" );
-        mrExport.AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, aXMLAttrStyle, aClipStyle.GetString() );
+        FastString aPatternStyle;
+        aPatternStyle += B2UCONST( "fill:url(#" );
+        aPatternStyle += aPatternId.GetString();
+        aPatternStyle += B2UCONST( ")" );
-            GDIMetaFile			aTmpMtf;
-            SvXMLElementExport	aElemG2( mrExport, XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, aXMLElemG, TRUE, TRUE );
-            mpVDev->AddGradientActions( rPolyPoly.GetBoundRect(), rGradient, aTmpMtf );
-            ImplWriteActions( aTmpMtf, pStyle, nWriteFlags );
+            ImplWritePolyPolygon( rPolyPoly, sal_False, &aPatternStyle.GetString() );
 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void SVGActionWriter::ImplWriteGradientEx( const PolyPolygon& rPolyPoly, const Gradient& rGradient,
+                                           const NMSP_RTL::OUString* pStyle, sal_uInt32 nWriteFlags )
+    ImplWritePattern( rPolyPoly, NULL, &rGradient, pStyle, nWriteFlags );
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 void SVGActionWriter::ImplWriteText( const Point& rPos, const String& rText, 
                                      const sal_Int32* pDXArray, long nWidth,
                                      const NMSP_RTL::OUString* pStyle )
@@ -1267,10 +1303,7 @@ void SVGActionWriter::ImplWriteActions( const GDIMetaFile& rMtf,
                 if( nWriteFlags & SVGWRITER_WRITE_FILL )
                     const MetaHatchAction*	pA = (const MetaHatchAction*) pAction;
-                    GDIMetaFile				aTmpMtf;
-                    mpVDev->AddHatchActions( pA->GetPolyPolygon(), pA->GetHatch(), aTmpMtf );
-                    ImplWriteActions( aTmpMtf, pStyle, nWriteFlags );
+                    ImplWritePattern( pA->GetPolyPolygon(), &pA->GetHatch(), NULL, pStyle, nWriteFlags );
diff --git a/filter/source/svg/svgwriter.hxx b/filter/source/svg/svgwriter.hxx
index dfdc559..6ec2452 100644
--- a/filter/source/svg/svgwriter.hxx
+++ b/filter/source/svg/svgwriter.hxx
@@ -163,6 +163,7 @@ private:
     SVGAttributeWriter*		mpContext;
     sal_Bool				mbClipAttrChanged;
     sal_Int32				mnCurClipId;
+    sal_Int32				mnCurPatternId;
     Stack					maContextStack;
     VirtualDevice*			mpVDev;
     MapMode					maTargetMapMode;
@@ -183,6 +184,7 @@ private:
     void					ImplWriteRect( const Rectangle& rRect, long nRadX = 0, long nRadY = 0, const ::rtl::OUString* pStyle = NULL );
     void					ImplWriteEllipse( const Point& rCenter, long nRadX, long nRadY, const ::rtl::OUString* pStyle = NULL );
     void					ImplWritePolyPolygon( const PolyPolygon& rPolyPoly, sal_Bool bLineOnly, const ::rtl::OUString* pStyle = NULL );
+    void					ImplWritePattern( const PolyPolygon& rPolyPoly, const Hatch* pHatch, const Gradient* pGradient, const ::rtl::OUString* pStyle, sal_uInt32 nWriteFlags );
     void					ImplWriteGradientEx( const PolyPolygon& rPolyPoly, const Gradient& rGradient, const ::rtl::OUString* pStyle, sal_uInt32 nWriteFlags );
     void					ImplWriteText( const Point& rPos, const String& rText, const sal_Int32* pDXArray, long nWidth, const ::rtl::OUString* pStyle = NULL );
     void                ImplWriteText( const Point& rPos, const String& rText, const sal_Int32* pDXArray, long nWidth, const ::rtl::OUString* pStyle, Color aTextColor );
@@ -193,6 +195,7 @@ private:
     void					ImplWriteActions( const GDIMetaFile& rMtf, const ::rtl::OUString* pStyle, sal_uInt32 nWriteFlags );
     sal_Int32				ImplGetNextClipId() { return mnCurClipId++; }
+    sal_Int32				ImplGetNextPatternId() { return mnCurPatternId++; }

From a22a8ba96005850eeb4d44dd64d727e34b2e3c4f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Kurosawa Takeshi <taken....@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 11 Feb 2011 19:23:10 +0900
Subject: [PATCH 2/3] Export linear and axial gradients as SVG <linearGraidents>s

 filter/source/svg/svgwriter.cxx |  203 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
 filter/source/svg/svgwriter.hxx |    7 ++
 2 files changed, 194 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)

diff --git a/filter/source/svg/svgwriter.cxx b/filter/source/svg/svgwriter.cxx
index b0e2a0f..15a61e7 100644
--- a/filter/source/svg/svgwriter.cxx
+++ b/filter/source/svg/svgwriter.cxx
@@ -40,6 +40,8 @@ static const char	aXMLElemG[] = "g";
 static const char	aXMLElemDefs[] = "defs";
 static const char	aXMLElemClipPath[] = "clipPath";
 static const char	aXMLElemPattern[] = "pattern";
+static const char	aXMLElemLinearGradient[] = "linearGradient";
+static const char	aXMLElemStop[] = "stop";
 static const char	aXMLElemLine[] = "line";
 static const char	aXMLElemRect[] = "rect";
 static const char	aXMLElemEllipse[] = "ellipse";
@@ -68,6 +70,8 @@ static const char	aXMLAttrWidth[] = "width";
 static const char	aXMLAttrHeight[] = "height";
 static const char	aXMLAttrPoints[] = "points";
 static const char	aXMLAttrPatternUnits[] = "patternUnits";
+static const char	aXMLAttrGradientUnits[] = "gradientUnits";
+static const char	aXMLAttrOffset[] = "offset";
 static const char	aXMLAttrXLinkHRef[] = "xlink:href";
 // --------------
@@ -227,6 +231,21 @@ NMSP_RTL::OUString SVGAttributeWriter::GetFontStyle( const Font& rFont )
 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+NMSP_RTL::OUString SVGAttributeWriter::GetColorStyle( const Color& rColor )
+    FastString aStyle;
+    aStyle += B2UCONST( "rgb(" );
+    aStyle += NMSP_RTL::OUString::valueOf( (sal_Int32) rColor.GetRed() );
+    aStyle += B2UCONST( "," );
+    aStyle += NMSP_RTL::OUString::valueOf( (sal_Int32) rColor.GetGreen() );
+    aStyle += B2UCONST( "," );
+    aStyle += NMSP_RTL::OUString::valueOf( (sal_Int32) rColor.GetBlue() );
+    aStyle += B2UCONST( ")" );
+    return aStyle.GetString();
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 NMSP_RTL::OUString SVGAttributeWriter::GetPaintStyle( const Color& rLineColor, const Color& rFillColor, const LineInfo* pLineInfo )
     FastString aStyle;
@@ -239,13 +258,7 @@ NMSP_RTL::OUString SVGAttributeWriter::GetPaintStyle( const Color& rLineColor, c
         // line color value in rgb
-        aStyle += B2UCONST( "rgb(" );
-        aStyle += NMSP_RTL::OUString::valueOf( (sal_Int32) rLineColor.GetRed() );
-        aStyle += B2UCONST( "," );
-        aStyle += NMSP_RTL::OUString::valueOf( (sal_Int32) rLineColor.GetGreen() );
-        aStyle += B2UCONST( "," );
-        aStyle += NMSP_RTL::OUString::valueOf( (sal_Int32) rLineColor.GetBlue() );
-        aStyle += B2UCONST( ")" );
+        aStyle += GetColorStyle( rLineColor );
         // line color opacity in percent if neccessary
         if( rLineColor.GetTransparency() )
@@ -327,13 +340,7 @@ NMSP_RTL::OUString SVGAttributeWriter::GetPaintStyle( const Color& rLineColor, c
         // fill color value in rgb
-        aStyle += B2UCONST( "rgb(" );
-        aStyle += NMSP_RTL::OUString::valueOf( (sal_Int32) rFillColor.GetRed() );
-        aStyle += B2UCONST( "," );
-        aStyle += NMSP_RTL::OUString::valueOf( (sal_Int32) rFillColor.GetGreen() );
-        aStyle += B2UCONST( "," );
-        aStyle += NMSP_RTL::OUString::valueOf( (sal_Int32) rFillColor.GetBlue() );
-        aStyle += B2UCONST( ")" );
+        aStyle += GetColorStyle( rFillColor );
         // fill color opacity in percent if neccessary
         if( rFillColor.GetTransparency() )
@@ -382,7 +389,8 @@ SVGActionWriter::SVGActionWriter( SvXMLExport& rExport, SVGFontExport& rFontExpo
     mpContext( NULL ),
     mbClipAttrChanged( sal_False ),
     mnCurClipId( 1 ),
-    mnCurPatternId( 1 )
+    mnCurPatternId( 1 ),
+    mnCurGradientId( 1 )
     mpVDev = new VirtualDevice;
     mpVDev->EnableOutput( sal_False );
@@ -732,7 +740,170 @@ void SVGActionWriter::ImplWritePattern( const PolyPolygon& rPolyPoly,
 void SVGActionWriter::ImplWriteGradientEx( const PolyPolygon& rPolyPoly, const Gradient& rGradient,
                                            const NMSP_RTL::OUString* pStyle, sal_uInt32 nWriteFlags )
-    ImplWritePattern( rPolyPoly, NULL, &rGradient, pStyle, nWriteFlags );
+    if ( rGradient.GetStyle() == GRADIENT_LINEAR ||
+         rGradient.GetStyle() == GRADIENT_AXIAL )
+    {
+        ImplWriteGradientLinear( rPolyPoly, rGradient );
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        ImplWritePattern( rPolyPoly, NULL, &rGradient, pStyle, nWriteFlags );
+    }
+void SVGActionWriter::ImplWriteGradientLinear( const PolyPolygon& rPolyPoly,
+                                               const Gradient& rGradient )
+    if( rPolyPoly.Count() )
+    {
+        SvXMLElementExport aElemG( mrExport, XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, aXMLElemG, TRUE, TRUE );
+        FastString aGradientId;
+        aGradientId += B2UCONST( "gradient" );
+        aGradientId += GetValueString( ImplGetNextGradientId() );
+        {
+            SvXMLElementExport aElemDefs( mrExport, XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, aXMLElemDefs, TRUE, TRUE );
+            mrExport.AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, aXMLAttrId, aGradientId.GetString() );
+            {
+                Rectangle aTmpRect;
+                Point aTmpCenter;
+                rGradient.GetBoundRect( rPolyPoly.GetBoundRect(), aTmpRect, aTmpCenter );
+                const Rectangle aRect( ImplMap( aTmpRect) );
+                const Point aCenter( ImplMap( aTmpCenter) );
+                const sal_uInt16 nAngle = rGradient.GetAngle() % 3600;
+                Polygon aPoly( 2 );
+                // Setting x value of a gradient vector to rotation center to
+                // place a gradient vector in a target polygon.
+                // This would help editing it in SVG editors like inkscape.
+                aPoly[ 0 ].X() = aPoly[ 1 ].X() = aCenter.X();
+                aPoly[ 0 ].Y() = aRect.Top();
+                aPoly[ 1 ].Y() = aRect.Bottom();
+                aPoly.Rotate( aCenter, nAngle );
+                mrExport.AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, aXMLAttrX1, GetValueString( aPoly[ 0 ].X() ) );
+                mrExport.AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, aXMLAttrY1, GetValueString( aPoly[ 0 ].Y() ) );
+                mrExport.AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, aXMLAttrX2, GetValueString( aPoly[ 1 ].X() ) );
+                mrExport.AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, aXMLAttrY2, GetValueString( aPoly[ 1 ].Y() ) );
+                mrExport.AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, aXMLAttrGradientUnits,
+                                       NMSP_RTL::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "userSpaceOnUse" ) ) );
+            }
+            {
+                SvXMLElementExport aElemLinearGradient( mrExport, XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, aXMLElemLinearGradient, TRUE, TRUE );
+                const Color aStartColor = ImplGetColorWithIntensity( rGradient.GetStartColor(), rGradient.GetStartIntensity() );
+                const Color aEndColor = ImplGetColorWithIntensity( rGradient.GetEndColor(), rGradient.GetEndIntensity() );
+                double fBorderOffset = rGradient.GetBorder() / 100.0;
+                const sal_uInt16 nSteps = rGradient.GetSteps();
+                if( rGradient.GetStyle() == GRADIENT_LINEAR )
+                {
+                    // Emulate non-smooth gradient
+                    if( 0 < nSteps && nSteps < 100 )
+                    {
+                        double fOffsetStep = ( 1.0 - fBorderOffset ) / (double)nSteps;
+                        for( sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < nSteps; i++ ) {
+                            Color aColor = ImplGetGradientColor( aStartColor, aEndColor, i / (double) nSteps );
+                            ImplWriteGradientStop( aColor, fBorderOffset + ( i + 1 ) * fOffsetStep );
+                            aColor = ImplGetGradientColor( aStartColor, aEndColor, ( i + 1 ) / (double) nSteps );
+                            ImplWriteGradientStop( aColor, fBorderOffset + ( i + 1 ) * fOffsetStep );
+                        }
+                    }
+                    else
+                    {
+                        ImplWriteGradientStop( aStartColor, fBorderOffset );
+                        ImplWriteGradientStop( aEndColor, 1.0 );
+                    }
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    fBorderOffset /= 2;
+                    // Emulate non-smooth gradient
+                    if( 0 < nSteps && nSteps < 100 )
+                    {
+                        double fOffsetStep = ( 0.5 - fBorderOffset ) / (double)nSteps;
+                        // Upper half
+                        for( sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < nSteps; i++ )
+                        {
+                            Color aColor = ImplGetGradientColor( aEndColor, aStartColor, i / (double) nSteps );
+                            ImplWriteGradientStop( aColor, fBorderOffset + i * fOffsetStep );
+                            aColor = ImplGetGradientColor( aEndColor, aStartColor, (i + 1 ) / (double) nSteps );
+                            ImplWriteGradientStop( aColor, fBorderOffset + i * fOffsetStep );
+                        }
+                        // Lower half
+                        for( sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < nSteps; i++ )
+                        {
+                            Color aColor = ImplGetGradientColor( aStartColor, aEndColor, i / (double) nSteps );
+                            ImplWriteGradientStop( aColor, 0.5 + (i + 1) * fOffsetStep );
+                            aColor = ImplGetGradientColor( aStartColor, aEndColor, (i + 1 ) / (double) nSteps );
+                            ImplWriteGradientStop( aColor, 0.5 + (i + 1) * fOffsetStep );
+                        }
+                    }
+                    else
+                    {
+                        ImplWriteGradientStop( aEndColor, fBorderOffset );
+                        ImplWriteGradientStop( aStartColor, 0.5 );
+                        ImplWriteGradientStop( aEndColor, 1.0 - fBorderOffset );
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        FastString aGradientStyle;
+        aGradientStyle += B2UCONST( "fill:" );
+        aGradientStyle += B2UCONST( "url(#" );
+        aGradientStyle += aGradientId.GetString();
+        aGradientStyle += B2UCONST( ")" );
+        {
+            ImplWritePolyPolygon( rPolyPoly, sal_False, &aGradientStyle.GetString() );
+        }
+    }
+void SVGActionWriter::ImplWriteGradientStop( const Color& rColor, double fOffset )
+    mrExport.AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, aXMLAttrOffset, NMSP_RTL::OUString::valueOf( fOffset ) );
+    FastString aStyle;
+    aStyle += B2UCONST( "stop-color:" );
+    aStyle += mpContext->GetColorStyle ( rColor );
+    mrExport.AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, aXMLAttrStyle, aStyle.GetString() );
+    {
+        SvXMLElementExport aElemStartStop( mrExport, XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, aXMLElemStop, TRUE, TRUE );
+    }
+Color SVGActionWriter::ImplGetColorWithIntensity( const Color& rColor,
+                                                  sal_uInt16 nIntensity )
+     sal_uInt8 nNewRed = (sal_uInt8)( (long)rColor.GetRed() * nIntensity / 100L );
+     sal_uInt8 nNewGreen = (sal_uInt8)( (long)rColor.GetGreen() * nIntensity / 100L );
+     sal_uInt8 nNewBlue = (sal_uInt8)( (long)rColor.GetBlue() * nIntensity / 100L );
+     return Color( nNewRed, nNewGreen, nNewBlue);
+Color SVGActionWriter::ImplGetGradientColor( const Color& rStartColor,
+                                             const Color& rEndColor,
+                                             double fOffset )
+    long nRedStep = rEndColor.GetRed() - rStartColor.GetRed();
+    long nNewRed = rStartColor.GetRed() + (long)( nRedStep * fOffset );
+    nNewRed = ( nNewRed < 0 ) ? 0 : ( nNewRed > 0xFF) ? 0xFF : nNewRed;
+    long nGreenStep = rEndColor.GetGreen() - rStartColor.GetGreen();
+    long nNewGreen = rStartColor.GetGreen() + (long)( nGreenStep * fOffset );
+    nNewGreen = ( nNewGreen < 0 ) ? 0 : ( nNewGreen > 0xFF) ? 0xFF : nNewGreen;
+    long nBlueStep = rEndColor.GetBlue() - rStartColor.GetBlue();
+    long nNewBlue = rStartColor.GetBlue() + (long)( nBlueStep * fOffset );
+    nNewBlue = ( nNewBlue < 0 ) ? 0 : ( nNewBlue > 0xFF) ? 0xFF : nNewBlue;
+    return Color( (sal_uInt8)nNewRed, (sal_uInt8)nNewGreen, (sal_uInt8)nNewBlue );
 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/filter/source/svg/svgwriter.hxx b/filter/source/svg/svgwriter.hxx
index 6ec2452..f5928d1 100644
--- a/filter/source/svg/svgwriter.hxx
+++ b/filter/source/svg/svgwriter.hxx
@@ -140,6 +140,7 @@ public:
     virtual					~SVGAttributeWriter();
     ::rtl::OUString			GetFontStyle( const Font& rFont );
+    ::rtl::OUString			GetColorStyle( const Color& rColor );
     ::rtl::OUString			GetPaintStyle( const Color& rLineColor, const Color& rFillColor, const LineInfo* pLineInfo );
     void					SetFontAttr( const Font& rFont );
@@ -164,6 +165,7 @@ private:
     sal_Bool				mbClipAttrChanged;
     sal_Int32				mnCurClipId;
     sal_Int32				mnCurPatternId;
+    sal_Int32				mnCurGradientId;
     Stack					maContextStack;
     VirtualDevice*			mpVDev;
     MapMode					maTargetMapMode;
@@ -186,6 +188,10 @@ private:
     void					ImplWritePolyPolygon( const PolyPolygon& rPolyPoly, sal_Bool bLineOnly, const ::rtl::OUString* pStyle = NULL );
     void					ImplWritePattern( const PolyPolygon& rPolyPoly, const Hatch* pHatch, const Gradient* pGradient, const ::rtl::OUString* pStyle, sal_uInt32 nWriteFlags );
     void					ImplWriteGradientEx( const PolyPolygon& rPolyPoly, const Gradient& rGradient, const ::rtl::OUString* pStyle, sal_uInt32 nWriteFlags );
+    void					ImplWriteGradientLinear( const PolyPolygon& rPolyPoly, const Gradient& rGradient );
+    void					ImplWriteGradientStop( const Color& rColor, double fOffset );
+    Color					ImplGetColorWithIntensity( const Color& rColor, USHORT nIntensity );
+    Color					ImplGetGradientColor( const Color& rStartColor, const Color& rEndColor, double fOffset );
     void					ImplWriteText( const Point& rPos, const String& rText, const sal_Int32* pDXArray, long nWidth, const ::rtl::OUString* pStyle = NULL );
     void                ImplWriteText( const Point& rPos, const String& rText, const sal_Int32* pDXArray, long nWidth, const ::rtl::OUString* pStyle, Color aTextColor );
     void					ImplWriteBmp( const BitmapEx& rBmpEx, const Point& rPt, const Size& rSz, const Point& rSrcPt, const Size& rSrcSz, const ::rtl::OUString* pStyle = NULL );
@@ -196,6 +202,7 @@ private:
     void					ImplWriteActions( const GDIMetaFile& rMtf, const ::rtl::OUString* pStyle, sal_uInt32 nWriteFlags );
     sal_Int32				ImplGetNextClipId() { return mnCurClipId++; }
     sal_Int32				ImplGetNextPatternId() { return mnCurPatternId++; }
+    sal_Int32				ImplGetNextGradientId() { return mnCurGradientId++; }

From fc8d029f88c2f7ec67db8122249f23f889a4f707 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Kurosawa Takeshi <taken....@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 11 Feb 2011 19:29:41 +0900
Subject: [PATCH 3/3] Export transparencies as SVG <mask>s

With this patch, SVG export filter supports solid and gradient tranparencies in all sill styles.
 filter/source/svg/svgwriter.cxx |   95 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------
 filter/source/svg/svgwriter.hxx |    3 +
 2 files changed, 75 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-)

diff --git a/filter/source/svg/svgwriter.cxx b/filter/source/svg/svgwriter.cxx
index 15a61e7..c3f459b 100644
--- a/filter/source/svg/svgwriter.cxx
+++ b/filter/source/svg/svgwriter.cxx
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@
 static const char	aXMLElemG[] = "g";
 static const char	aXMLElemDefs[] = "defs";
 static const char	aXMLElemClipPath[] = "clipPath";
+static const char	aXMLElemMask[] = "mask";
 static const char	aXMLElemPattern[] = "pattern";
 static const char	aXMLElemLinearGradient[] = "linearGradient";
 static const char	aXMLElemStop[] = "stop";
@@ -390,7 +391,8 @@ SVGActionWriter::SVGActionWriter( SvXMLExport& rExport, SVGFontExport& rFontExpo
     mbClipAttrChanged( sal_False ),
     mnCurClipId( 1 ),
     mnCurPatternId( 1 ),
-    mnCurGradientId( 1 )
+    mnCurGradientId( 1 ),
+    mnCurMaskId( 1 )
     mpVDev = new VirtualDevice;
     mpVDev->EnableOutput( sal_False );
@@ -908,6 +910,73 @@ Color SVGActionWriter::ImplGetGradientColor( const Color& rStartColor,
 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void SVGActionWriter::ImplWriteMask( GDIMetaFile& rMtf,
+                                     const Point& rDestPt,
+                                     const Size& rDestSize,
+                                     const Gradient& rGradient,
+                                     const NMSP_RTL::OUString* pStyle,
+                                     sal_uInt32 nWriteFlags )
+    Point          aSrcPt( rMtf.GetPrefMapMode().GetOrigin() );
+    const Size     aSrcSize( rMtf.GetPrefSize() );
+    const double   fScaleX = aSrcSize.Width() ? (double) rDestSize.Width() / aSrcSize.Width() : 1.0;
+    const double   fScaleY = aSrcSize.Height() ? (double) rDestSize.Height() / aSrcSize.Height() : 1.0;
+    long           nMoveX, nMoveY;
+    if( fScaleX != 1.0 || fScaleY != 1.0 )
+    {
+        rMtf.Scale( fScaleX, fScaleY );
+        aSrcPt.X() = FRound( aSrcPt.X() * fScaleX ), aSrcPt.Y() = FRound( aSrcPt.Y() * fScaleY );
+    }
+    nMoveX = rDestPt.X() - aSrcPt.X(), nMoveY = rDestPt.Y() - aSrcPt.Y();
+    if( nMoveX || nMoveY )
+        rMtf.Move( nMoveX, nMoveY );
+    FastString aMaskId;
+    aMaskId += B2UCONST( "mask" );
+    aMaskId += GetValueString( ImplGetNextMaskId() );
+    {
+        SvXMLElementExport aElemDefs( mrExport, XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, aXMLElemDefs, TRUE, TRUE );
+        mrExport.AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, aXMLAttrId, aMaskId.GetString() );
+        {
+            SvXMLElementExport aElemMask( mrExport, XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, aXMLElemMask, TRUE, TRUE );
+            const PolyPolygon aPolyPolygon( PolyPolygon( Rectangle( rDestPt, rDestSize ) ) );
+            Gradient aGradient( rGradient );
+            // swap gradient stops to adopt SVG mask
+            Color aTmpColor( aGradient.GetStartColor() );
+            sal_uInt16 nTmpIntensity( aGradient.GetStartIntensity() );
+            aGradient.SetStartColor( aGradient.GetEndColor() );
+            aGradient.SetStartIntensity( aGradient.GetEndIntensity() ) ;
+            aGradient.SetEndColor( aTmpColor );
+            aGradient.SetEndIntensity( nTmpIntensity );
+            ImplWriteGradientEx( aPolyPolygon, aGradient, pStyle, nWriteFlags );
+        }
+    }
+    FastString aMaskStyle;
+    aMaskStyle += B2UCONST( "mask:url(#" );
+    aMaskStyle += aMaskId.GetString();
+    aMaskStyle += B2UCONST( ")" );
+    mrExport.AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, aXMLAttrStyle, aMaskStyle.GetString() );
+    {
+        SvXMLElementExport aElemG( mrExport, XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, aXMLElemG, TRUE, TRUE );
+        mpVDev->Push();
+        ImplWriteActions( rMtf, pStyle, nWriteFlags );
+        mpVDev->Pop();
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 void SVGActionWriter::ImplWriteText( const Point& rPos, const String& rText, 
                                      const sal_Int32* pDXArray, long nWidth,
                                      const NMSP_RTL::OUString* pStyle )
@@ -1508,28 +1577,8 @@ void SVGActionWriter::ImplWriteActions( const GDIMetaFile& rMtf,
                     const MetaFloatTransparentAction*	pA = (const MetaFloatTransparentAction*) pAction;
                     GDIMetaFile							aTmpMtf( pA->GetGDIMetaFile() );
-                    Point								aSrcPt( aTmpMtf.GetPrefMapMode().GetOrigin() );
-                    const Size							aSrcSize( aTmpMtf.GetPrefSize() );
-                    const Point							aDestPt( pA->GetPoint() );
-                    const Size							aDestSize( pA->GetSize() );
-                    const double						fScaleX = aSrcSize.Width() ? (double) aDestSize.Width() / aSrcSize.Width() : 1.0;
-                    const double						fScaleY = aSrcSize.Height() ? (double) aDestSize.Height() / aSrcSize.Height() : 1.0;
-                    long								nMoveX, nMoveY;
-                    if( fScaleX != 1.0 || fScaleY != 1.0 )
-                    {
-                        aTmpMtf.Scale( fScaleX, fScaleY );
-                        aSrcPt.X() = FRound( aSrcPt.X() * fScaleX ), aSrcPt.Y() = FRound( aSrcPt.Y() * fScaleY );
-                    }
-                    nMoveX = aDestPt.X() - aSrcPt.X(), nMoveY = aDestPt.Y() - aSrcPt.Y();
-                    if( nMoveX || nMoveY )
-                        aTmpMtf.Move( nMoveX, nMoveY );
-                    mpVDev->Push();
-                    ImplWriteActions( aTmpMtf, pStyle, nWriteFlags );
-                    mpVDev->Pop();
+                    ImplWriteMask( aTmpMtf, pA->GetPoint(), pA->GetSize(),
+                                   pA->GetGradient(), pStyle, nWriteFlags  );
diff --git a/filter/source/svg/svgwriter.hxx b/filter/source/svg/svgwriter.hxx
index f5928d1..26470af 100644
--- a/filter/source/svg/svgwriter.hxx
+++ b/filter/source/svg/svgwriter.hxx
@@ -166,6 +166,7 @@ private:
     sal_Int32				mnCurClipId;
     sal_Int32				mnCurPatternId;
     sal_Int32				mnCurGradientId;
+    sal_Int32				mnCurMaskId;
     Stack					maContextStack;
     VirtualDevice*			mpVDev;
     MapMode					maTargetMapMode;
@@ -192,6 +193,7 @@ private:
     void					ImplWriteGradientStop( const Color& rColor, double fOffset );
     Color					ImplGetColorWithIntensity( const Color& rColor, USHORT nIntensity );
     Color					ImplGetGradientColor( const Color& rStartColor, const Color& rEndColor, double fOffset );
+    void					ImplWriteMask( GDIMetaFile& rMtf, const Point& rDestPt, const Size& rDestSize, const Gradient& rGradient, const ::rtl::OUString* pStyle, sal_uInt32 nWriteFlags );
     void					ImplWriteText( const Point& rPos, const String& rText, const sal_Int32* pDXArray, long nWidth, const ::rtl::OUString* pStyle = NULL );
     void                ImplWriteText( const Point& rPos, const String& rText, const sal_Int32* pDXArray, long nWidth, const ::rtl::OUString* pStyle, Color aTextColor );
     void					ImplWriteBmp( const BitmapEx& rBmpEx, const Point& rPt, const Size& rSz, const Point& rSrcPt, const Size& rSrcSz, const ::rtl::OUString* pStyle = NULL );
@@ -203,6 +205,7 @@ private:
     sal_Int32				ImplGetNextClipId() { return mnCurClipId++; }
     sal_Int32				ImplGetNextPatternId() { return mnCurPatternId++; }
     sal_Int32				ImplGetNextGradientId() { return mnCurGradientId++; }
+    sal_Int32				ImplGetNextMaskId() { return mnCurMaskId++; }

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