On Sun, Feb 06, 2011 at 06:57:00PM -0500, Arno Teigseth wrote:
> Hi
> This might be a corner case, but I have this problem:
> To not have to go through the "import template" process every time I
> change a template, I symlinked it. So,

Is there any reason why you cannot just import the template and then use
File->Templates->Edit to change it?

> ln -s mynicetemplate.ots ~/.libreoffice/3/user/template/
> That worked fine until I moved the template. Of course it disappeared
> from the "select template" dialog. The problem is, if I now try to
> _import_ the template with the Organize|Import template menu, I get the
> message "the template may already exist".

Of course you do. Because the symlink in ~/.libreoffice/3/user/template/
exists yet, it just points to a nonexistent file. LibO sees the
(symlink) file, so it doesn't allow to import a template with the same
name, but it cannot open it as a template, so it doesn't list it in the
dialog. Elementary, my dear Watson.

> This could be confusing to some users, since libreoffice claims the
> template exists while it actually is nowhere to be found in the template
> selection box.

Well, it was you who decided to circumvent the template management
system, so it is your problem to ensure it is in consistent state...

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