On 07/01/2011 Alexander Thurgood wrote:
> A question to the developers, which will inevitably become more
> important as things push on with LibO and the code base starts to separate :
> - what is the current approach, with regard to bug triaging, to bugs
> caused by the OOo code base ?

This indeed will become important after the imminent 3.3 release.

The outcome of the OOoCon 2010 presentation by 
Charles H. Schulz and Mechtilde Stehmann
was to report everything on the OOo Issue Tracker and setting a keyword
there (we had an "experimental alias" managed by Kendy, I think). I may
be mistaken, but several people from this list were there so they might
recall better.

Videos used to be available at http://users2.ooodev.org/~ooocon2010 but
they seem unreachable at the moment.


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