On Sat, Jan 15, 2011 at 01:15:39PM +0100, Andreas Radke wrote:
> The ArchLinux package does not use the --with-unix-wrapper=foo nor the
> new --with-compat-oowrappers switches.

And apparently libreoffice-builds .desktop files and not those from sysui..

> * base,calc,impress,draw menu entries are shown but won't start "oobase
>   %U" missing. their TryExec entry seems ok but the Exec entry needs to
>   be changed to lo...
> * math, template also need that Exec change though they are hidden
> * writer,web have the proper Exec entry but the TryExec is the old
>   oowriter that makes the menu not showing this entry

Maybe, I don't use them.

> Why are these files installed? Are they of any use? They look very
> different to the ones in /usr/share/applications/:

Without being able to have a look, that might be those from sysui, no?


 .''`.  René Engelhard -- Debian GNU/Linux Developer
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