On Sun, 2010-11-21 at 19:38 -0800, some...@boldandbusted.com wrote: 
> Howdy. To help with EasyHack "cppcheck cleanliness", I've set up
> automated reporting on http://libreoffice.boldandbusted.com/ . Here will
> live a report generated from a complete scan of the entire LO codebase,
> generated every 4-6 hours, against a fresh update from the various git
> repos with LO code.

Nice, thanks. Could you put a link from the EaskHacks page to that URL ?
On this topic something that I think I'd like to have is something along
the lines of...

kendy's, etc. buildbot/tinderbox builds LibreOffice when changes occur.
The last successful build on each tinderbox platform gets tagged.

"dashboard" things triggers on each "last-successful" tag change, e.g.
like the cppcheck one above. Other ones are compiler warnings output,
and other lint tools etc, including callcatcher. And if anyone can
figure out how to do it, a performance test which gives the same results
regardless of who's running it :-)

Combined output appears somewhere on our site/mailing list. The diff
from each dashboard app run to the last one is taken, anything newly
added is redflagged for near-immediate remedial action.

So we have our list of "things that should be fixed if possible" that we
can chip away at over time, but if we add a new one we find out
immediately and can fix that one straight away.


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