On 20/10/10 14:39, Wols Lists wrote:
>  On 20/10/10 08:28, Sebastian Spaeth wrote:
>> On Tue, 19 Oct 2010 23:45:11 +0200, René Kjellerup 
>> <rk.katana.st...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On the other matter unless you're still running kde 3 then you need
>>> --disable-kde else the config will fail when it can't find Qt 3.x
>> On that matter can, we please --disable-kde by default. I don't know of
>> recent distros that ship kde3 but not KDE4, and those who do can turn it
>> on in their distro-specific defaults.
> Forgive the newbie question, but while I've got a lot of programming
> experience large chunks of detail here (gnu tools, frinstance) are new
> to me.
> I've dug a bit, found configure.in, and found
> [
>   --disable-kde           Disables KDE native widgets.],
> ,)
> Does this switch it on? Will deleting it disable kde by default?
> If it will, I'll put a patch in.
>> Even better, our make should detect the lack of qt3 headers and disable
>> it automatically rather than bailing out.
> That's a bit deeper ... won't stop me having a go if someone would care
> to give me a few guidelines :-)
>> Sebastian
> Cheers,
> Wol
> _______________________________________________

Just found a bit more ...

if test "$enable_kde" != "no"; then
   if test "z$with_win32" = "z" -a "z`uname -s`" != "zDarwin" -a
"z$with_distro" != "zCrossWin32"; then

I'm going to try changing != "no" to = "yes" - is that a sensible thing
to do? I'm sure it'll work for me, but will it make it blow up when
people want kde3 - does enable default to a value of yes?

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