Ok, I got a build that seams to work...

I'm attaching my instructions for any other brave sole (can you find a home for 
it on the build instructions site?).

The build process default build process has some issues:

1. I had to install libgettext in order to build several libraries.
        This causes the build of libhunspell to fail because it looks like it's 
trying to compile against the gettext directory adjacent to the hunspell 
directories. Since gettext wasn't built, the files are missing. I had to 
install libhunspell and include the --with-system-hunspell to work around this 

2. instsetoo_native fails due to a missing libjpipe.
        The workaround for this is to just remark out the code related to 
libjpipe. I was reading that this may be caused by using the 64bit java VM. 
This needs further research.

3. The "make install" fails with a "Failed to generage package file lists". 
This doesn't seam to affect the running of the installed program; however, it 
does need further review.

Joe P.

PS: The attached document was created by TextEdit (Apple's version of 
Notepad/Write) as an .ODT file and then edited and saved using my new version 
of LibreOffice :)


Attachment: Mac OS X 10.6.4 Build Instructions.odt
Description: application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text

PS: We need to do something about the ICON's. The file system ICON for 
documents is the OO ICON with the birds. Also, the application ICON is also the 
OO bird ICON. It looks like I may have installed OO on my computer instead of 

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