Hi Tor,
Am Fri, 08 Oct 2010 02:20:42 -0600 schrieb Tor Lillqvist:
>>> On my 10.6.4 machine, I had to install the following to get 
>>> things to build:
> [ a long list of packages ]
> That is presumably using a git checkout, intending to start with 
> running ./autogen.sh then?
>> I just remember that the last time I 
>> build a pre OOo 3.2.0 I was able to checkout the sources and build 
>> it without ccache being the only additional software I installed. 
> While that was possibly from a tarball, or at least using a 
> pre-generated configure script, so no autoconf at least was 
> needed?
> So you are comparing somewhat dissimilar situations here.

Could be that I compare somewhat dissimilar situations here. 

I'm just a simple end-user that ought to build OOo on the Mac and 
took care that the OS X build instructions weren't totally out of 
date, which over the past year or so, sort of happened but it was 
due to a lack of time on my site and now I'm trying to catch up 
again. In no ways I'm a coder.  

For OOo I installed the then most recent XCode, which includes a 
compiler, developer tools for GUI and various other related stuff, 
installed Mecury (or was it svn) and cache, both not coming with 
Mac OS X nor XCode, did a hg checkout of the most current milestone 
OOO320_m16, ran a ./configure and no complaints about missing a 
library or binary occurred. So yes no autoconf was needed. 

If I'm not wrong OS X comes with autoconf, which imo should be used 
unless it's like in the case of gnu-cp vs cp were (mac/bsd-)cp uses 
the -R in a different manner to the -r in gnu-cp. 


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